chapter 6 - 10

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Just when Tara thought that she could not go another step she heard the sound of an engine. Paulo motioned for them to hide. Tara grabbed onto her mom’s hand and pulled her behind some trees. 

“What are you going to do if it’s the drug dealer Tara?” 

 “Shh it's going to be ok we are going to figure it out. It may be someone just passing by ''

 There were times that Tara felt like a parent taking care of a small child instead of a grown woman.  Her mom was a wonderful person but to put it kindly she was a flake who was constantly getting herself into some trouble or another. 

 “Come ladies come with me I have found some help”

 Paulo motioned for Tara and Nora to follow him to the waiting truck. 

They ran from the cover of trees they were hiding in to find a dirt road and an ancient man with an equally ancient truck. Paulo motioned for them to get into the back and he covered them up with a tarp. He proceeded to get into the cab with the driver. 

“See mom it’s going to be ok”

 They huddled together and Tara tried real hard not to think about the stink she was laying in. The truck was apparently used to transport animals. They were just lucky he had already gotten rid of his cargo, otherwise they would have been sharing the space with the pigs and not just the stench left behind.

They rode for hours over the bumpy roads and Tara dozed out of desperation and exhaustion.  


Alex and Jake had come to an uneasy truce while trying to find out any information about the women. Jake got on the computer and tried to map out the most likely route they might have taken. It was a difficult task because the village they were staying at wasn’t on any recognized maps and Alex was a useless piece of shit who just sat there.

The phone ringing startled Alex out of his stupor and he answered at the second ring 


Jake jumped up until he was almost on top of Alex to hear the conversation.

“Oh my God thank you… they are ok?”

Alex finished the phone call and Jake looked at him expectedly 


“I don’t know all the details but they were picked up by a farmer and driven to the hospital.” 

“Well then let’s go”

Jake and Alex rushed to the hospital as fast as the roads and the traffic would let them. The part of Mexico they were in had one speed and fast wasn’t one of them. 

Jake started to feel anxious about what he would feel when he saw Tara again.  It had been three years since he last saw her. He had been so afraid since Frank had told him of Tara being in danger he hadn’t had a chance to think of how he was going to feel when he saw her again. He knew now that he was in love with her and had been for years and he wasn’t letting her go this time.

They pulled into what was supposed to be the parking lot of the small clinic style hospital and both Alex and Jake rushed inside. They asked the harried doctor where the women had been taken and were led to a small room with beds lined up against the wall.

The first sight of her after so long was a shock to Jake. Even sunburned and hooked up to an IV could not hide her beauty. She was pretty at eighteen but now she was stunning.  Her hair was longer than he remembered it to be and it had deepened to a rich auburn. He was too far away to see her eyes and so far she had not noticed him. He just stood there for a moment so he could drink her in before he had to speak.

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