🥔Figging Punishment🍋

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Type of story: Smut with a good plot🍋

Basic summary: Despite knowing Midoriya's rules about venturing out at night, Todoroki goes out anyway to get ingredients for dinner. During his late night shopping trip, he runs into Sero, who is curious about the manga he's reading. Todoroki tries to get himself out of the situation, and is luckily, or unluckily in this case, found by Midoriya. When they return home, Midoriya sets in motion a naughty punishment for Todoroki.

It had been about 18 months since Todoroki and Midoriya reunited after a entire year of being apart. In the world's eyes, Midoriya Izuku was still on the run with the rest of the League of Villains, and Todoroki Shoto was missing, possibly dead. Though he didn't outwardly declare himself a part of the group of villains, Todoroki did help them out. Mainly to come up with better strategies for their future plans and helping get supplies.

Ever since they started living together in a base seperate from the LOV's, one of Midoriya's biggest rules had been to never leave the house during night time. This was due to the greenette's fear of being discovered by heroes or recognised by wondering civilians. If Todoroki absolutely had to leave for anything at all, Midoriya would go with him to keep his boyfriend safe.

Yet here Shoto was; in a store while Midoriya was away at a meeting with Shigaraki.

Todoroki grabbed a random box of soba noodles off the shelf and quickly tossed them into his basket, checking the item off the list. He felt like his entire life in was on a rapidly decreasing time limit as he raced around the store. Even though he figured that Midoriya's meeting with the rest of the League of Villains would last at least another hour, Shoto still didn't want to be outside of their house for much longer. Todoroki would have gone with him to the meeting, but since Dabi would have been there (him and Dabi still aren't on good terms), he decided against this decision.

Todoroki checks his phone for the time. The meeting had started about half an hour ago and they tended to last for about ninety minutes. This should give Todoroki enough time to get back home and prepare dinner for Izuku and himself. Todoroki got in the check out line, bouncing his leg impatiently as he waited for the people in front of him to hurry.

Eventually his turn came, the cashier quickly ringing up his items. "Will this be all for you?" they asked while bagging the groceries, not bothering to look at Todoroki in his face. Good, one less thing he had to worry about.
Todoroki nodded his head adjusting his tinted glasses to better fit against his eyes and nose.

Once he paid for the groceries, Todoroki bolted out of the front door, quickly beginning to go back home. While walking, Todoroki pulled out a new manga he had gotten while in the store and began reading it. He must have gotten too into the story because before Shoto realized it someone was racing after him while shouting out; "Hey you! Wait a second!"

Finally acknowledging the fact someone was chasing him, Todoroki's body instantly froze up, unsure of what to do. He wanted to run away, fast and far from this on coming situation. But the hot/cold boy feared that whoever this was might start following him further if he took off running. ' Fuck fuck fuck fuck I have to get home!!! ' Todoroki panicked inside his head, slowly turning around to see who it was.

His heart dropped down into his stomach, eyes becoming wide like saucers. It was Sero Hanta. "Hey bro, where did you get that manga?" Sero pointed at the book in Todoroki's hands, which were beginning to shake.
' He didn't use my name, that's a good sing right? ' Todoroki tried to calm himself, but he still was not completely sure.

Changing the pitch of his voice to better hide his true identity, Todoroki replied to the oblivious male, "Local store."
"How local? Like down the street, a couple blocks away, or...?" Hanta tilted his head, his usual big smile showing amusement for this stranger's timid nature.
'...wait where did I get this again? ' Pondering the question for a couple seconds before it hit him, ' Right! That store! '

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