18 | Peregrinating Paris (part 1)

Start from the beginning

"Oh trust me, I know. You just have to ignore him like I do and don't let him get the best of you. If you two go at it, you know how it's going to end. It'll effect us too." I stated, calmly looking into his eyes.

His eyes had softened, "You're right, I'm sorry." He said, stroking my hair.

"Anyways, this is Paris.We can't let an arrogant asshole ruin it for us, right? So, let's just try to enjoy ourselves." I smiled.

"I'm surrounded by immature imbeciles." Levi sighed, leaning his back against the window.

"Hey! You didn't have to come here either." Connie averted, crossing his arms like a child.

"You think I came here to hang with a bunch of irritating, halfwit, bratty children I see at school everyday? I'd cut my own limbs off before I do that. I came here for personal reasons, so quit your yapping." Levi rolled his eyes and fixed his handkerchief that was already perfect enough.

We had finally arrived at Pullman Paris, which was our hotel. It looked stunning and the scenery it had to offer was definitely mind-blowing. It had a view of the city and a prodigious tower, that was centered in the middle.

I took a couple of pictures of the scenery.

"Okay! This is our hotel, you guys. We'll get the keys to our rooms, get settled in, and then we can get some food. Does that sound okay, everyone?" Historia asked.

"Sounds great!" I responded, jumping with joy.

"Say, what's that big tower over there?" Annie asked, eyes widened in surprise.

"That, my friends, is the Eiffel Tower." She answered, fixating her eyes on it.

All of us gazed up at it in awe, we were utterly speechless because none of us had seen a sight as jaw-dropping at this. Nothing could emulate to the amount of freedom that I feel right now. I couldn't wait to tell my dad how hectic and lively my life has been since we've moved here.

We've all decided to take a group photo, which Levi, of course, excluded himself from. Afterwards, we all ushered inside of the hotel, as Historia went up to the main desk and got our room keys from the receptionist. A couple of porters were then assigned to us and carried our luggage to our rooms.

"Okay guys! The girls will have a share of two rooms and so will the boys. Levi will have his own." Historia explained.

"Wait, huh? How come Levi gets his own room?!" Connie voiced, rolling his eyes.

"Because I'm an adult and you're an annoying child." He answered bluntly, before heading into his own room.

"There was only a certain amount of rooms available. I'm sorry, you'll have to share a bed. If you're not comfortable sleeping with another person, you can always sleep on the floor?" She smiled, nervously.

"Bertholdt, you're not sleeping in a bed. You have the weirdest sleeping positions." Reiner laughed, nudging him.

"What!? That's not true! That's not true at all!" He shouted back, innocently.

"You do too. I might just wake up with your nuts in my face." Reiner bantered.

"Oh, Yeah? You snore so loud, it's ridiculous. Not to mention you fart in your sleep, big boy!" He replied, smirking.

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