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James POV
I don't know how it started, well I do but I didn't see it coming. I have fallen for my best friend's brother, the ultimate cliche. I thought I was in love with Lily, and I may still be, I don't know maybe I still am? I can't be in love with both can I? What would that make me? Bi? Pansexual?

I suddenly realize I've made it to the Great Hall, it's weirdly quiet. This whole morning has been weird, Sirius didn't walk with me or even wake me up, he doesn't suspect, does he? Merin's balls he's going to avada kavada me if he finds out I've been snogging his brother.

Gathering my courage I open the doors. There's a weird circle forming around something, I wonder what it is. Also, no one is talking, weird. When people notice me they give me weird looks. I look around for Regulus and my friends. I can't see them. I start to make my way to the center. It's surprisingly easy, it's like the people part for me.

Pity, the looks people give me its looks of pity. Why? I make it to the center, it looks like two people are snogging, but why would that cause people to pity me? I take a closer look at the people snogging, wait I recognize the leather jacket, it's Padfoot's. Go Pads but that still doesn't the looks of pity or the fact that I thought he liked Monny. That is definitely not Monny, but who is it? They turn and I see red hair? Who could that be? Not Lily right?

It is

How could he do that to me? My best mate with the girl I've been in love with since my first year.

"I slept with your brother" I yelled at them. I don't know why but I needed to get back at him in some way and it's the only thing I could think of. I know I shouldn't have said that, we were keeping a secret for a reason.

Padfoot, no Sirius stops snogging her and whips his head at me. He looks at me with betrayal and anger in his eyes, but I don't care anymore. At least not right now. He opens his mouth I assume to yell at me but before he can say anything someone twists me so I face them. It's Regulus. He looks at me then at Sirius and winks. He then smashes our lips together.

When he's snogging me I can't think of anything else. I'm vaguely aware of people gasping and Sirius yelling. Nothing else matters though. I realize now that I don't love Lily nearly as much as I love Regulus.

I slept with your brother (Jegulus) Where stories live. Discover now