Takemichi wants to smack his head off the table, has Baji Always been this stupid?

Chifuyu Rolls His Eyes And Nudges him "Preferably Before the Festival Starts Baji-San"

Sometimes Takemichi Is Glad That Chifuyu Doesn't get Infected By Baji's One Braincell. Takemichi Butts in "What Time Did you expect us to go?"

Baji in turn just Shrugs Causing Takemichi To Sigh "Whatever" He Mutters "It'll All Be over Soon" he thinks with a small sad smile. Now Don't Get Him Wrong he'll be glad to be gone but these people he's Surrounded with now

Is who he spent a few years with.

They Are His "Friends".

The people he had fun with.

The people he laughed with

The people he cried with

The people who were there for him when he needed them most

What Went Wrong?
Was it him?

Was it his Fault?
Should He have just focused on Saving Hina?...
Is that what he did wrong?

Well it's too Late Now.
He Can't Change Anything now

Too Late

Too late

Too late

It's Almost Like A Game Over.

Yeah That's it...

A game over.

Too Bad.


"Oiii Michi! Are you Nearly Done? We've gotta go soon or were gonna Miss The Festival!" Koko's Muffled Voice Barely Reached Takemichi's ears

"Tch, No Patience What So Ever"  Takemichi Scoffs Under His Breath "Give Me a Second! I just Got out the Damn Shower!" He calls Back

"Well Don't Forget To put on the Outfit We got you!" Leaving out the, it's very expensive part. "We'll Wait For You Down stairs!"

Takemichi Hums But Gives no Physical Response. Rushing To get his Hair and Body Dry Before Just Throwing on the Outfit he was given along with the pair of shoes and a arrangement of all different types of Jewellery. He opens the door Quickly Rushing Downstairs stopping by the entrance of the living room "Are You Guys Coming Or are we gonna be late to the Festival?"

All Eyes Turn to Him and Everyone in there felt as if their hearts had completely stopped and if they were just looking at an Angel


"Guys! Oh My God Can you all Quit Staring and Can we get a move on? Were gonna be late if not"  Takemichi Crosses His Arms a Scowl Evident on his Face

"Yeah Come Takemichi Let's Go" Inui Walks Over Gently Grabbing His Hand leading him towards the exit of the Building. Koko Quickly Follows After being Next to Takemichi on the other side leaving everyone else in the room stunned for a moment before the room Bursts with noise "Oi Oi!" Someone Calls "Wait For Us!" Another one Follows up

All of Them Pile Up Into Cars to make their way to the place the Festival is being Held and Lucky For Takemichi he got to be Next To Wakasa. It was silence though, Takemichi didn't mind it gave him time to think and Mentally Prepare himself it'll be time soon, just a little Longer. He Smiles, Not Sadly This time he's Came To Terms.

All of them had collected onto A Roof, Along With Many Other Strangers Ready to see the fireworks that'll be going off soon. Shame it's not new Years probably would've made this out to be more special but Alas Not something he control. This Felt Like Deja Vu...in Multiple Different Occasions he wouldn't be able to tell you though all those moments weren't great therefore his mind Blocked it.

Kazutora suddenly pops up Next to Takemichi Successfully Scaring the Shit out of him and Successfully shaking him out of his own world.
"Kazutora?" Takemichi Looks at him with Confusion raising a brow "Do You Need Something?"

Kazutora Nods "Mhm! The Fireworks are gonna Start soon and i wanna watch them with you"

"Ah Ill Join You in a Minute Okay?" Takemichi Gives him a smile to seal the deal

"Okay! No Problems with me ill see you soon Michi!" And with that Kazutora walks off, probably to find a good place to watch the fire works

"Yeah." Takemichi whispers "I'll see you soon"

How Bitter He Feels.

Is this regret?

Fuck No!

His Eyes go up to the Sky Watching the pitch Black, Fill and Explode with Colout which was soon Followed By Cheering. Finally, it's about time, well beggars can't be choosers

Looking Away From The Sky Takemichi Slowly Begins to walk Towards the Edge
Where he can spot Naoto
Walking to the Man He Stops Right next to him not even sparing the man a look or even giving him a chance to speak

He Grabs the Man's Hand with a smile.
It's like What he did in the past by accident..except now it was on purpose.
A Few Seconds Later Little Black Spots fill his Vision and his Sighs with Relief


The Last thing he hears is the yelling of his name before his eyes Finally Roll to the Back of his head Eventually passing out.

Game Over?

Is it?

Yes Yes Game Over.

Would you Like To Restart?




Authors Note:
This Is it Guys!
This Is the End of the Book!
I really Hope You Guy's Enjoyed it.
I had fun Writing it, there was alot of trial and errors but that's what made it fun for me.

Not only that, Your Guy's Comments made the experience so much better!
Seeing you all Try to Guess What's Going On
Seeing you all happy/excited when i introduced a character of mine
And just all the supportive Comments is definitely what made me Keep Writing this story!

Therefore this Isn't Over! Incase you missed it, ill be making a second book! Following along with this one so i hope you all are ready for that one

And Hopefully ill have a better Writing style, Make it More Serious but silly when needs be. Or is how i write now fine? Please share your opinions! As long as its not rude of course

Another thing ive been having loads of ideas for Other Tr Books!
If you all are interested
So! After this one which do you wanna see next. Let's Vote!

-Fantasy Au!

-Non-Time Travel Au!

-Baby Sitter Au?

And Im Happy To listen to Any Suggestions

Once Again Thank You For Reading and Thank you for the Support!
Ill See you all in the Next book.

Stay Safe
Stay Hydrated
And Stay Healthy

Love you all<333

{Word Count:1681}

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