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Melissa POV

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"A summer Vacation." I said

"Leave only the Bare minimum number of staff here, and let everyone else go on Vacation."

"What?" The duke asked

"Also," I said

"I'd like to hire my own personal butler."

"He's a Commoner."

The Duke's face became shocked

Sfx: gape






In this society, all servants belong to their respective noble households.
Any attack on them is considered an attack towards their masters.

In the end, Jack couldn't harm Nine because he was now affiliated with the Podebrat house.

"J-just you wait! ...My lady!" Jack said

"One of these days, I'll get you both! Got it?!"


"Hahaha, I was just as suprised as Jack when I first saw you." I said

'No, you were more suprised than he was.' Nine said in the note

"Well, It couldn't be helped." I said

"It was shocking enough when I first found a bloodied wolf sprawled across my garden."

"Imagine my suprise when It transformed Into a human."


"Hey, why are you suddenly crying?" I asked Nine

"Are you still hurt?"


"..." Silence Nine with a smile


"This is the man I'd like to hire as my butler." I said to The duke

"His name is Nine."

"I-I see..." The duke said

"Well, what about his Identity? Does he come with any recommendations?"

"He's a Commoner." I said

"And there's no need for a Recommendation letter. I can vouch for him."

"It's Dangerous to bring In stranger just by judging from Appearences." The duke said

"I didn't choose him solely based on his looks..." I said

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