Rules and Payment

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Hey! I'm excited to open my first book to my premade covers.

This are covers that I made, but I never use it.

~Cover details:

° you have to comment on the cover: Author name and the story blurb.


• For premade cover, I can ONLY change the covers name and author name.

•If there's more than one request for the same cover, the best story blurb that I think is right for the cover will get it.

• Each person can only ask for one cover, though if you do not get it the cover, you may ask for a different one.

• Respect each other and also me, even if I take a while to send the cover.

• if you don't like the premade cover, you are allow to request as you wish. The request for will be on the next chapter.

I retain the right to ignore/ deny any requests in which requester aren't nice or don't follow the rules.

P A Y M E N T :


• A Feedback or a vote on my book called " Forbidden Attraction?" and dedication.

N O C O V E R !

Just be fair and complete payment. I will know if you did it or not.

This gives me incentive to actually make your cover or else I'll be ignored and deleted.

Covers Maker and Premades (Closed)Where stories live. Discover now