Sae: We have special rules at this school. First you will live in dorms and while in school, your ability to leave campus and contact the outside world will be limited. But, fear not. This school has a variety of facilities lined up. All your daily needs can be found here, including entertainment.

I see. So we are not going to be trap in this school so we can murder each other and then execute the murderer if we get it right?

How lucky.

Sae: To buy things, you will use your points stored in the school's official computer system. In this school, you can buy anything using points. Points are alloted on the first day of each month. One point equals one yen.

I took a look at my issued phone and saw my ID.

Sae: You have already been alloted 100,000 points for this month.

I listened closely to all my shocked classmates reaction. Of course I am taken back as well. But with something this great, there also comes a catch.

Sae: Are you surprised by the size of your allotment? This school judges students based on their proficiency. You have already received significant value just for being admitted here.

I guess this school is just wants to see how we would act. I am sure none of them will expect any catch since we are new here.

Sharing this information would help me reach my goal but I just want to see what would happen when they finally realize what this school is all about. Oh this will be fun but I know this will come bite me back so I guess I should be prepared to take action.


I am at a supermarket place. Buying whatever is cheap, like cheap soap and shampoo, toothpaste and toothbrush, a towel and a few others. I paid for my items and it took away about 1,000 points away, rounding up to 99,000. I guess I should buy one game to help cure my boredom while I let time pass. I was about to walk away and low and behold I see the same girl who confronted me and laugh at me. I notice she was looking at a few products.

And she looks at me. Oh dear god she is looking at me. Well I guess I should talk to her than look like a creeper.

???: Another unpleasant coincidence.

Haru: I know. Its like fate is just bringing us together over and over again.

She sneered at me, heh at this rate, I can either get her to like me or hate me. Whatever is fine with me. Oh right, I never got her name.

Haru: Well since we sit next to each other we should at least get along. What is your name?

Silence.... Yep she is ignoring me.

Haru: You can atleast tell me that, can't you?

???: Would it bother you if I refuse to answer?

Haru: Well it won't but its kind of a problem for me if I don't know the name of the person sitting next to me.

She looks at me and goddamn is she hot. Oh wow, Her eyes are just piercing right through me and its making my heart beat fast!

Nah just kidding. She is hot though not gonna lie on that.

Suzune: I'm Suzune Horikita.

Haru: Horikita? Sounds like the presidents last name...

Of course putting two and two together, they are related. Either by brother and sister or cousins. I watch her put some shampoo and other stuff inside her basket, I also realize they are cheap.

Haru: Don't you want to buy something expensive? Like this-

Horikita: I don't need it.

I immediately shut up. So she is either being cautious or she knows how things work around here. Heh, we are gonna get along just fine.

Horikita: You don't seem very good at interacting with people. Your a bad talker.

Haru: Heh, its part of my charms. Besides its not like you are doing any better than I am.

Horikita: That maybe true. However I don't sense the necessity to make friends in the first place.

She looks beside her and I too look over at what she is looking at.

Horikita: Free?

Yes, that is right. Its free stuff. Goddamn, If only I saw that I wouldn't have spend any money.

Although I want to test her, to see if she really understand how things work around here.

Haru: My guess is its for the people who over spend their points?

Horikita: Even though there's a 100,000 yen a month?

Ah, so she is just being cautious. Still not a bad move, better than those two idiots, Kanji and Yamauchi heading straight to the game store to presumably buy any games with their points.

Horikita: This school is quite indulgent.

???: Your looking down on me? Huh?!

Me and Horikita look outside. It was my classmate who I came to learn in roll-call is Ken Sudo. He was being confronted by three schoolmates of ours.

Student 1: You're in class 1-D, aren't you?

Sudo: And what if I am?!

Student 3: Now, that's no way to talk to your seniors.

Sudo: Shut up!

I should probably help him. But I want to see how things will escalate, depending on the results will either help me learn or waste my time on them. Sudo argued against the three others while I am just watching him. Horikita doesn't want to be involved so I guess I am on my own.

Student 3: We'll overlook this for today.

Student 2: You guys are already defective products.

Heh, oh really? Well just you wait, you stupid upper classmen. Cause when I am around, I am going to make the impossible turn possible.

Student 1: If we knocked you down any lower, that'd be a pitiful sight.

I think I already got enough of what I want. I stepped outside watching the three upperclassmen walk away all the while downgrading Sudo. Although they did say something that caught my interest.

"Real hell has yet to come for you people anyway"

Ah, I think its already safe to assume something bad is going to happen to my class because of the way we are going to act. I watch Sudo kick the garbage bin in anger and walk away.

Poor garbage bin, he didn't even do anything wrong to you. Well I noticed a camera earlier so I guess I have to clean this before leaving. Now I am not a fan of cleaning ones mess but looking at Sudo, I am going to be picking a whole lot more than this garbage. Example is his IQ since he keeps dropping it.

What a pain.

Light: Alright so that is it for the 2nd chapter! Also before we end this, here is an additional harem members

-Sae Chabashira

-Chie Hoshinomiya

And that is all folks!

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