
Once Sierra left it was just me and him along with Sincere and Kiki.

" I see you started yourself a family"

" They are beautiful by the way" he said looking at them.

" Thanks"

I truthfully had no words for the man.

I'm not finna come in here like everything just cool. Like he didn't leave my mama alone to raise me by herself.

You don't get shit from me besides a "fuck you"and "go to hell."

It was mean as hell to think but oh well.

" You wanna talk outside"

I shrug my shoulders.

" Janice"

I watched as my mom walked to the front.

" We gone step on the front porch" James said.

" okay James"

I was about to leave out first since I was closest to the the door but Ki-ki stopped me.

The pout that was about to form let me know she didnt want me to leave.

" Princess I'm coming right back"

The water works started tugging at my heart.

" Da-daaa !" She said having a fit.

" Oh no ma'am" Sierra said grabbing her.

" you got her" I said to her.

She nodded her head walking back to the kitchen with her.

Sincere went to sleep so I knew he was good.

I stepped outside feeling the wind blow.

" Nice day ain't it"

" Yea"

So far after being out here just for a minute I was keeping my calm.

Proud of myself.

" Listen Ju Imma just get straight to the point I'm pretty sure I'm the last person you want to see right now"

" But I truly mean this shit here from the bottom of my heart . . . . I'm sorry for going ghost on you and your moms years back "

" the both of you did not deserve that and I was a walking coward from the stuff that I did"

" Why come back now . . . . you could have continue to stay a fucking coward for all I care" I said shrugging my shoulders.

" The shit you suppose to do I did"

" It's honestly taking everything me not to kick your ass"

" But out of the respect for my mother and my family I'm not"

" Son you have every right to feel the way you do" he said nodding his head.

" I'm not your son, you have never treated me like one"

" And I want to Julian, I'm not asking for anything in return just let me back in your life and if not that . . .my grandkids life"

The fuck is he thinking.

" I need you guys in my life. I'm 50 years old man and nothing to show for it"

" Karma has kicked my ass more ways than others"

Well good.

" Why did you leave ?"

" Was it that hard to be a man?"

Happy New YearTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon