Michael x Eric | coffee is nice between lovers pt 1

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Normally I would be hanging out with my cousins or a group of friends, not today though, not after Michael confessed to me all of a sudden, we were at Disneyland with Me, Alex, Michael, Mia, and a few others, I'm sure everyone had fun.

Especially Mia and Alex.

Both got a few drinks at started leaving the group to be together, honestly, I felt like they were dating and not telling anyone, but I mean, why should I care?...

I did care, He was my crush after all.

It was way too obvious, but Alex did tell me that he liked someone else, that he wanted to be with that person and cherish them, so, well I did get rejected even before I told him anything, what a bummer.

Anyway, back to the problem at hand.

Michael entered my room to discuss something, it was strange of him since he normally isn't much of a serious dude to talk to, he would normally joke around with any problem. it was his way of making the problem a less big deal to worry about. but that afternoon, he had a problem. The way he was fidgeting around and looking flustered, it had to do something with a crush. 

I knew because he acted like me when I'm near Alex.

After a few moments, he finally told me the news

"I like you Eric, I always have, and seeing you look at Alex all the time...it makes me jealous, so please, can we hang out alone after the trip?"

it surprised me, so, after all of that, it led up to this

Michael had told me to meet up with him to a coffee shop, it was one where if I remember correctly, Alex had worked there and probably still is, Mia also works there but she works during the weekends because of school, Alex works there every day besides Sunday to go hang out with other friends. I feel like there's a reason on why he had invited me there.

I guess I will find out

hello children, I have returned by acting dumb! Anyway, I Hope everyone had a good valentines day, I have somewhat returned with a not promising way of writing and just to troll around now, honestly, I'm sure people don't care much for me to continues stories so I will not for now

anyway, Mia, I love you <3 (totally)

Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Feb 15, 2022 ⏰

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