The Cirous Son

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Hello! My name is Elias and I'm 19 year old boy. This is my life story let's begin. I was born at January 4th 2003 at United States, New York at Manhattan. I got 2 sister their names are Amelia and Amy they are twins they are 5 years old. My mom name is Jasmine she's 30. I don't know who my dad is he left after my mom found she was pregnant with me so I never found out who my real dad is. But when I was 2 my mom found her a boyfriend named Jackson he's pretty cool he's 31 years old. I always wanted to find out who my real dad is. My mom never wanted to talk about him. Here's a fact about me I have a condition named Heterochromia if you don't know what is is let me explain. Heterochromia is when a person has differently colored eyes or eyes that have more than one color. Most of the time, it doesn't cause any problems. It's often just a quirk caused by genes passed down from your parents or by something that happened when your eyes were forming. I think it's pretty cool in my opinion. Everyone in my school liked it. When I was 10 years old I decided I wanted to meet my dad so I went on Facebook and tried searching for him at that time my mom already told me his name. I found him on Facebook and his name is Mason Donaldson and he lives in California and he's a famous actor. He has a wife and 3 kids. But it didn't stop me I still wanted to know who he was so I packed my bags and decided to leave and find him. My mom was out with Jackson for 2 days and we had a baby sitter. My babysitter was taking care of my sister so I had time to escape so I packed my bags and left. California is far away from New York so I needed to think a way to get there. So I went to the airport and tried to get a ticket. I didn't have money so I couldn't buy a ticket. I had 100 dollars from my allowance so I bought a train ticket to Ohio it cost me 60 dollars it was expensive. I wasn't even a half way there yet. I was walking on the street and a cop pulled over and asked where are my parents and I said " I'm going to find my real dad " the cop said " I have to take you back to your parents kid I can't let you stay here" But then I booked it I ran fast like a tiger but the cop followed after me good for me I was pretty fast there was a small caffe open so I quickly ran inside the nice old lady told me " what are you doing here at 2 am young man?" I didn't know what to say so I just said " I was wondering if I could stay here the night" the nice old lady said "why don't you have a place to stay" I answered " I do I just want to find my real dad so I ran away from home" eventually the old lady let me stay for the night and she even told me I can work here to earn some money and I of course said yes. After a month I earned 400 dollars and I could buy a train ticket. On the news it said "if you see a little boy named Elias he was wearing a Blue shirt with jeans he looks like this. Please call the police if you find him" I didn't want to get caught so I cut my hair changed my clothes style and then I thought no one will expect a thing or so I thought. When I went to the trains station the man who worked there told me "you looks so a like that Elias kid from the news" I got so nervous I said "I do? I didn't even realise " the man said "anyways do you want to buy a train ticket young man" I said "yes please how much is a ticket to California" the man said "California?! Haha why do you have to go there?" I said " I just went to a trio with my friends here and now I have to go back" and somehow he actually believed me he didn't even ask any questions. It cost like 300 dollars but it worth it. I had to stop at the states of Indiana, Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, Utah and Nevada. After 40 hours of travelling I finally made it to California! It was insane there I had only 20 dollars left because I wasted my 80 dollars I had about food. I was on a billboard there was written 'Mason Donaldson business in the middle of town we're hiring" I said "Bingo" that was the best news ever there was written the address as well. I had to walk for 39 minutes to get there when I made it to the building it was huge I didn't know he was that rich. The security guard stoped me and asked "what are you doing here kid?" I said "Mason! Mason Donaldson! He's my dad!" I said excitingly the security guard laughed and said "get out. Mason doesn't have any boys he has only girls" I said "I'm not lying he's my real dad" then the security guards just kicked me out how rude. Then a girl my age approached me and said "hey! I'm Tess you look nice!" I was kinda freaked out but I said "I'm Elias hi.." she said "Hi Elias I heard what you said to the guard he was rude I believe you thought" I said "you do?" She said "yes of course" I told her my whole story and she let me stay at her place for a while. 2 days later me and her were Elamite down the street when we saw my real dad! I said "There he is go! Go!" We ran to him I said "Dad!" He was like "dad who are you, you creep?!" I said "you're my dad you left me when my mom found out I was pregnant" he stared at me for a couple of second and said "it can't be it can't be!" And he ran off. I was confused why he ran off so I went to his business building and waited for him outside with Tess. 2 hours later he went outside and we saw him I said "DON'T RUN" he said "you can't be my son my son died!" I said "huh? What do you mean" he said "my son died when he was just in his moms belly I was so sad I left" then he said " what's your moms name?" I said "jasmine" then he hugged me tight. He said " I love you son!" Then he said "your mom is a big fat lier she told me you died because she wanted to get rid of me!" I was so pissed off i never wanted to see my mom ever again. My dad took me to his house and gave me a room. Tess went back to her house. I had 3 amazing sister they are 6, 9 and 13 years old and an amazing step-mom she loves me very much. I haven't heard from my birth mom since the day I left. Now me and Tess are expecting a baby we're pretty young but we're ready.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Feb 14, 2022 ⏰

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