Antonio's Ceremony

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The whole town had just watched Antonio receive his gift when Mirabel headed towards her room. Once she arrived she grabbed her bag and started putting clothes and other necessities in it.

Casita does everything it can think of to try and stop her. From closing the drawers to moving the floors until Mirabel just grabs a pen and a paper and writes her goodbye letter, still unsure if she should leave it or tear it up.

Right as she grabs the door handle to leave, Casita uses some of the magic from the candle to bring her and the rest of her familia to a new room just for this occasion.

Meanwhile in Antonio's room, Antonio was looking for Mirabel wanting to dance with her when Casita brought them to the new room.

Looking around Antonio spots Mirabel and runs towards her. Seeing her youngest cousin running towards her she opens her arms.

"Where were you? I was looking for you." asks Antonio. Mirabel looks at him for a second before Abuela turns towards her.

"What have you done Mirabel?"

Hearing those words from her abuela, Mirabel looks up at her and says, "Abuela I didn't do anything. I was just staying out of the way, like you asked me too, and Casita suddenly brought me here."

Suddenly they hear a static sound and turn towards the sound. Camilo is the first to snap out of it and reads what the t.v. says.

"'Sit down and prepare yourself for what you are about to see.' What does that even mean?"

Everyone just shrugs before looking to see if everyone was okay. While looking they notice someone in the shadows. Julietta looks at Pepa and waves her towards the shadowed figure. Upon reaching the person they gasp. "Bruno?"

Realizing he couldn't escape the interaction that was about to happen he steps out of the shadows where his sisters tackle him in a hug after getting over their initial surprise. Turning towards the rest of the people in the room, he says,"Hi."

Dolores is the only grandkid who waves at him. Everyone turns towards her with curious looks. She points towards her ears, "Super hearing remember".

Casita, getting fed up with everyone standing around, drags chairs towards everyone and the screens change towards a picture of Mirabel.

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