Shirabu x semi

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*shirabu pov*
This is stupid. This challenge is stupid. The fact that I want to do it because I want to cuddle with my boyfriend is stupid. He's going to be so mad at me.
I'm stood outside the music room in our house and I can hear Semi playing his guitar can muttering to himself. He's busy, I shouldn't do this. But I have to or stupid Oikawa will kill me. But is I do it Semi will get mad at me. He'll probably yell at me for going in there went he's practicing. Ugh. Just get this over with Kenjirō. I slowly push open the music room door and see Eita sat at his desk with his guitar in hand. I bite my lip before speaking up. "Um...Semi..." my voice is quiet and my hands are playing with my hoodie sleeves. The older male looks around at me with an annoyed look on his face. "What are you doing? I'm busy. Can whatever this is just wait a bit?" I look at the floor before slowing making my way towards my boyfriend. When I get close enough I hug his shoulders, burying my face in his neck. "Kenjirō. I'm busy." Shit. He's mad. He's really mad. I quickly let go of Semi and make my way back to ways the door. "I'm sorry, I won't disturb you again" and with that, I leave the room, quietly shutting the door behind me.
I make it to the bedroom before the tears start. Walk over to the windowsill and lead on my elbows. Hands on my face. I cry into my hands while biting my lip so I don't make any noise. That was stupid! That was so stupid Shirabu! Why did you even agree to this? I'm snapped out of my thoughts by a voice behind me. "Kenji..?" Eita. I don't dare turn to look at my boyfriend. Nor do I say a word. I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist. "Kenji, I'm sorry, I should've payed attention to you" I turn in his arms and hug semi tightly. " was a stupid challenge...I shouldn't have done it" after I say this, we stand in silence for a few minutes. Neither of us move. Honestly it scared me a little. I didn't really know what was happening. "You want to watch a movie and cuddle?" Semi asks out of the blue. I look up at him and nod my head slight, smiles on both of our faces as we give each other a small kiss .

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