Chapter 30..

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Remembering the good times.. You and the boys, you're family, you're friends. You couldn't believe it was that long ago. Remembering your past relationships. Still your out here living your best life with your new family. Moving to Japan very soon, which means you probably won't be able to see your family/friends again.


couple months later, you and kairi are packing so you guys can live in Japan. Very soon you have to say goodbye. Then a week later you guys finally moved to Japan. You saw kairi's family again, oh how they cried of joy. You saw maiya and gave her a big hug.

Y/n: Maiya i miss you so much.

Maiya: I'm glad i could see you again.

Yuki: um who are you?

Yuki said while staring at Maiya

Y/n: oh maiya! I want you to meet your nephews and niece!

You said grabbing Daisy and the 3 boys.

Maiya: omg they are so cute! Hey guys i'm Maiya your Aunt!

she said smiling

Then the kids gave her a big hug.

Maiya: I'm so happy for you and kairi. You both have been through a lot and still manage to be super happy.

Y/n: yea.. but i'm glad that we stayed together and had a wonderful family.

Maiya: I bet you miss your family too.

Y/n: yea it's okay though, I'll see them very soon.

you said smiling to Maiya

You, Kairi and Maiya decided to go out and eat somewhere while the kids stayed with Kairi's parents.

you were still learning Japanese so kairi was doing all the talking for you.

Once you got your food you guys started talking about how much time passed and other things.


You and kairi dropped Maiya off and picked up the kids and went to your new house!

You guys were very exited. Once you got there it was pretty big, the kids are running around and having fun. That was the best choice.

A couple months have past and everything is going really well.

Maiya is getting married soon :).

The kids are doing really well, started school and they learned Japanese.


Y/n's Family

Your sister Avani called you saying that she is also getting married, to Alejandro :0 .

You thought that they were never going to get married but they are. You are so happy for them.

You and Kairi decided to fly back to New Jersey to see you're family and to attend Avani's wedding.


You and Kairi booked tickets and flew over there last week.

At New Jersey
You got to the house and nocked.

Avani: who is it?

Y/n: it's me bitch open up!!!

Avani then opened the door and gave you the biggest hug over.

In love with Kairi Cosentio-Nj boysWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt