Dramatic Entrance

Start from the beginning

Colton studies me for a second, deciding to tread lightly for his own sake.

"Faye, are you okay? Can I get you something? When was the last time you ate?"

I quickly swipe away the tears that form as I look back up at him. "I'm exhausted and nauseous. I ate lunch though." I say glancing at my watch which reads 3:00PM. 

Colton nods seemingly satisfied with my response. Before he can ask any more questions, the anesthesiologist and Callie's nurse walk out of her room, gesturing for us to go back inside. 

Colton wraps his arm around me as we walk back in, whispering that we'll talk later. 

Callie looks a lot more peaceful as we walk in, as does Alex. We hang around for a few hours, trying to Help Callie come up with names. We offer to leave so she can get some sleep but she refuses, stating there was no way she could sleep right now.

"I don't see why you won't consider Golem?" Colton says with a smirk on his face. 

Callie rolls her eyes and gives him the finger. "If I could feel my legs I would walk over there and break your nose."

I laugh, shoving Colton and giving him a glare for egging her on. Thankfully Callie's OB, Dr. Watson walks in before Colton can suggest another stupid name. 

"Dr. Fanning, hope you're doing well."

"The same as when you were in here an hour ago Hannah." I say laughing.

She shrugs before putting on gloves. "You never know. Callie, you should be getting close, I'm going to check your dilation if thats okay?" 

Callie nods, bracing herself for the uncomfortable check. Thankfully with the epidural she shouldn't be able to feel it, but the idea itself is enough to make most people uncomfortable.

"Alright Callie, good news. You're ready to push!"

Callie does her best not to look terrified as she looks over at Alex and then to me.

"You're going to do great Callie. Colton and I will be right out here, we can't wait to meet him." I say as Colton pulls me to my feel.

"No! Faye! Please stay. Is it okay if you stay?" I look over at Alex for confirmation, then over to Dr. Watson before agreeing. 

"Of course, let's get you ready."

Callie nods, taking a deep breath. They allow her to start pushing while they turn over the room for the delivery. Even though I've seen this done hundreds of times, the feeling is so different when you know it's technically your nephew about to be brought into the world, even if Colton and I aren't married. 

Alex stands on Callie's right as I stand on her left as she pushes. After an hour I can tell she's drained, but I can also tell she's so close. 

"I can't do this!" Callie cries, grabbing onto Alex trying to catch her breath.

I try and soothingly rub her arm as she half breathes and half cries. As she does this I notice a dip in the fetal heart rate, and my eyes connect with Dr. Watson's, who looks very concerned. 

I turn to Callie. "Callie, I know you're tired but with this next contraction I need you to push with everything you have, and if we say stop you stop."

"Faye, what's wrong? What's wrong with him?" She chokes out.

"He's just a little stressed, thats all." I say, trying to keep her calm and focused.

She nods, taking a deep breath before pushing. After about what feels like forever, but is really only a few seconds, Dr. Watson yells for her to stop. She does, screaming as she tries to resist her body's natural urge. 

From where I stand I can see that the umbilical cord has wrapped around the baby's neck. I swallow back my emotions as Callie's grip on my hand tightens. Thankfully it only takes Dr. Watson a few seconds to unwrap the cord from his neck and Callie to start pushing again. 

He comes quickly after that, and again after what feels like eternity, he lets our a cry and is placed on Callies chest. I don't even realize I'm crying with her and Alex until I feel the wetness on my cheeks. 

Not all babies are born cute, but this one definitely was. I could tell he shared the same nose as his father, and thus the same nose as Colton. I couldn't help but wonder if Colton and I's baby would have the same nose as well. 

I'm pulled out of my new baby bliss when Callie goes to say something to me, and instead slurs her words. Right as she does this, her machine alarm goes off, indicating that her heart rate and blood pressure are dropping.

I instruct Alex to hold the baby as nurses pull him to the other side of the room. I don't even have to look to know Callie is experiencing a postpartum hemorrhage. I quickly gown and glove myself as Dr. Watson works to control the bleeding. I pray to god we can get it stopped and don't have to take drastic measures, like performing a hysterectomy, and taking away Callie's ability to carry any more children. She survived so much to bring her son into this world, and I can't help but beg god to keep her here. 

Dr. Watson and I quickly work together to deliver the placenta and try to identify where the bleed is coming from. 

"Fucking hell Anderson, she's losing a lot of blood."

"I know." I say, working quickly to apply abdominal massage and pressure to slow the bleeding and hopefully pass the pieces of leftover placenta causing the hemorrhage. 

I bark orders in the general direction of other medical staff to hang blood for Callie as we continue working. I can hear Alex screaming in the back of my mind but I'm too focused on Callie to acknowledge him. Finally the bleeding begins to slow after injections of clotting agents, and Callie's blood pressure and heart rate begin to climb.

Suddenly, the entire world comes rushing back in and I can hear Alex and the baby's cries. Callie is mostly unconscious, but responsive thankfully. She should become more alert after the blood transfusion and the fluids finish.

I finally make eye contact with Alex who looks terrified. I turn and catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror and understand why. I'm covered in his wife's blood. 

I quickly pull the surgical gown from my body and wash my hands. Unfortunately in my rush to get the gown on, some of my scrubs underneath were left exposed and I'm still covered in a substantial amount of blood.

After I've ensured Callie is stable and Alex seems to have calmed down, I leave the room to catch my breath and change into clean scrubs. 

When I walk into the hallway, distraught doesn't even begin to describe the emotion on Colton's face. He sat out here and watched dozens of medical staff run into his sister in laws room, and heard the screams of his brother as he thought he was watching his wife die.

"She's okay Colton, she's okay." I choke out.

Colton quickly rises and grabs me as my knees buckle and I begin to sob. 

I vaguely sense other people watching, but I can't be bothered. Thankfully no one says anything, but I would have been shocked if someone had interrupted a doctor soaked in blood sobbing.

I try and calm myself down with deep breaths as Colton rubs my back, and after a while it finally seems to work.

"Do I need to call Dr. Fanning?" Colton asks concerned. I shake my head no, shakily pulling myself to my feet with his help. 

"I just need a minute, and I need to get out of these fucking scrubs."

Colton nods and holds onto me as I lead him toward the women's locker room.

He says he'll wait outside but I tell him to go and see his brother, as I need to shower and I need some time.

For the first time in hours I look at my watch and see its three in the morning. 

Exhaustion hits me like a bag of bricks, and I slide to the floor of the shower sobbing, not bothered by how dirty it could be or the red water flowing off of me.

"How do I recover from this? How do I face them?" I wonder, continuing to sob in the empty locker room. 

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