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"So... What came first. The chicken or the egg?" Suzie asks.

"Oh the chicken" I put down my drink,  ut fiddle with the straw.

"How so? Without the egg there wouldn't be a chicken"

"Well in the chicken egg. Theres this protein that can't be in the egg, without a chicken to make it. So without the chicken. There wouldn't be an egg" I pick up my drink and fiddle with the straw.

"But wait, how was the chicken made?" They tuck their chair in a little more.

"Something about evolution or something I guess"

"..... Ooohhh. God your a nerd. Get a social life" They laugh.

"You asked asshole!!" I yell, joining their laughter.

"So anyway-"

"I swear to god, talk about the new kid and im throwing my cherry slushie over you"

They laugh.

"Actually. I was going to ask, what lesson we had next"

"Oh.. Sorry. Uh maths I think"

"Jesus no need to say sorry. God your such a sap hahaha" they laugh.


"Hey so I'm still coming round tonight?" I ask, jumping on top of Suzies car.

"Duh! I've got all our favourite movies all stacked up on my book case!"

"Wait. You've got Dr Jeykll and Mr Hyde right?"

"Oh please. Y/n that films 40 years old" They open their car door, so I quickly jump off and get in.

"And? It's a classic!"

"Oh please it's not even scary!"

"And?! It's a good ass movie!"

We laugh, and I start making a cigarette.

"Want one?"


I raise an eyebrow, turning to them, as they start driving

"Why? You never pass up a free cigarette"

"Well you know. Trying to cut back"

"Ah. Anyway let's go!!" I yell, before she speeds the car up a little.

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