Miss Pillsbury: Julia maybe you, Brynn and I should have this conversation alone

Julia: that's a good idea, could everyone step out while we talk with Brynn please

Brynn: no Santana please don't leave me

Santana: Brynn look at me *I stood Brynn up and she looked at me* I'm just going to be out in the hallway I'm not going anywhere, you just tell them the truth okay I will be waiting right here for you okay

Brynn was crying but nodded I stood up and gave her a hug and walked out with Quinn, our mom and Mr. Shuester. I kept walking up and down the hallway waiting for the door to open again

Quinn: San

Santana: what

Quinn: come here

I walked over to Quinn and she took my hand I laid my head on her shoulder

Santana: how much longer is this going to take

Mr. Shuester: hopefully not much longer

Maribel: you do realize your social worker is going to have her come back with me right

Santana: and if she does then I'm going to go with her, your not keeping her there alone

Maribel: you won't be coming with us Santana, your not welcome in my house

Santana: and whys that

Maribel: your gay.... I won't have her be around that

Santana: you won't let her be around someone who is gay but you will let her be around someone who hits her and goes into her room at

I couldn't finish what I was going to say, I fell into Quinn and she sat down with me in a chair

Mr. Shuester: Mrs Lopez, I think it's best if you stop talking to Santana right now

as soon as he said that Brynn came running out of Miss Pillsbury's office and into my arms, I held her and she was crying

Santana: what's going on

Miss Pillsbury: Brynn is going to go home with you and Quinn

Santana: oh thank god

Julia: Mrs Lopez will you please step in here

Our mom walked into Mrs Pillsbury's office with Julia

Miss Pillsbury: Girls go ahead and head home, I'll let Figgins and your teachers know that I sent you all home for the day and I will let them know about tomorrow too, Santana do you have the names of people you would like to be there tomorrow

Santana: yes ma'am, Quinn, Blaine, Puck and I would like it if Tina could come too

Miss Pillsbury: I will let the office know they are to be excuessed from class tomorrow, Mr. Shuester and I will meet you at the court house in the morning

Santana: thank you

Miss Pillsbury: your welcome

We all got up and I grabbed onto Brynn's hand

Miss Pillsbury: Quinn could you hang back for a minute please

Quinn: you guys go to the car I'll meet you there

Quinn handed me her keys and Brynn and I went out to her car

Quinn's POV **Possible Trigger Warning**

After Santana and Brynn left I followed Miss Pillsbury to a meeting room and her, Mr. Shuester and I sat down

Quinn: what's going on

Miss Pillsbury: it's what Brynn said in there, Santana needs to know but I'm not going to take her away from Brynn right now, so I'm going to tell you and I know that you will tell Santana

Quinn: of course I will

Miss Pillsbury: Their mom did know what their dad was doing, she helped with some of it too

Quinn: you mean

Miss Pillsbury: yes

Quinn: oh my god

Miss Pillsbury: I have a feeling this is all going to come out during the trial so if you could talk to Santana before tomorrow without Brynn being around then I would really appreate it

Quinn: I will I promise

Mr. Shuester: I know teachers aren't supposed to do this but here's my number, you call or text at any time if you girls need anything

Quinn: thank you for all you are doing for us

Mr. Shuester: I see you guys as my own children

Quinn: thank you

I put Mr. Shuesters number in my phone and walked out to the car and got in and we drove home. As soon as we got home was all went and sat on the couch, I turned on beauty and the beast and the three of us sat there and cuddled for a while.

Glee- Santana's younger sisterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora