"Council....where's Pekora ?", she asked again, now everyone turned away, not wanting to face Miko directly. Yet again, only silence was the answer, the mood in the room was heavy...it made Miko soon know the answer on her own....

"The explosion...it was her right ? Right ?", the maiden shouted, hitting the table with a strong force. The loud bang on the table made Fauna use her plant strings to make Miko unable to move.

"I can't have you acting like that, you might hurt us, so I let you tied up, until you calmed down, okay ?", the keeper of nature was serious, what she hated most was someone hurting her friends, she would protect them no matter what. Miko gave up and nodded, she stayed like that for the next minutes. Meanwhile the discussion with the shrine maiden ended, Kronii went to the girl in the corner and lowered herself to be on the same height as her.

"Hello there, what's your name ?", the warden of time asked softly, the girl took a glimpse with her teary eyes.

"A-Aqua, Minato A-Aqua", she stuttered, not sure if she could trust the woman in front of her. However, Kronii showed kindness and no violence, Aqua could feel that the warden didn't mean any harm towards herself.

"Okay, Minato Aqua, you are a chosen one, do you know what that is ?"

"No, I don't k-know, what does t-that have to d-do with me ?"

"Well...", Kronii paused, she turned around to see everyone staring at the warden, seemed like everyone wanted to talk to the new girl.

"Let's continue our talk for later, would you like a bath and food ? You probably starving and wishing for a nice hot bath right ? So go with the others, they show you around, don't worry, everyone here is kind", Kronii stood up and held Aqua's hand to pull her up, she surely knew how traumatized the pink-haired girl would be currently. Everyone quitted the room, helping the girl getting used to the new place, the council place. When Miko got released from the plant strings, the maiden instantly went to get Kronii.

"Kronii wait, I need to talk to you in the meeting room, it's urgent", the maiden had to show the book she and Pekora found in the outside world, the book of a survivor.

"We found this and as you see...the papers were ripped apart on this book, the last page of it shows this drawing of the creature, but...we saw the creature with our own eyes...this is not what it looked like...could it be, we aren't dealing with one, but more of those creatures ?", Miko confessed, they didn't see a monster on 2 legs, but on 4 feet instead. The drawing showed a beast with almost the same structure of a human, 3 times the size of a human it had to be at least too. Probably with the same fur as Amelia found...yet Miko, Pekora, Olivia, Aqua and Marine saw what looked like a creepy, dangerous jelly slime.

"Or....", Kronii paused, looking around the papers on the walls and taking a long deep breath.

"The creature can change it's body structure depending on its circumstances...", Kronii recommended another conclusion to this theory.

"Kronii, I only want to inform, that the creature we saw, the jelly slime, it's immune to fire and explosions....Pekora blew herself up for our sake....but the thing wasn't hurt one bit....what is that ?", Miko got frustrated, she still couldn't believe the bunny died for the sake of her and Aqua surviving and trying to kill it and ending this disaster. From the adventures, only Aqua and Miko remained, Pekora, Marina and Olivia died, three more of the chosen ones died in this mysterious case....

In the council place, Gura and Sana greeted themselves to the new member, who was in the hot water at the council waterfall inn. Aqua seemed to calm down and finally get some peace, she felt like she would constantly be in danger wherever she was in the outside world, gladly not anymore.

When Gura and Sana got out of the waterfall inn, they went to check on the detective, the shark left her insane buddy for at least an hour alone. Arriving in front of Amelia's substitute bedroom, the door was locked.

"Huh, I can't imagine I locked the door...oi Watson, open the door", Gura said, her voice was loud and clear so that the detective could hear her. However to the shark's surprise, no reaction. Gura said over and over again from the council hallway how Amelia should unlock the door so she could check on her...but everytime she waited for an answer, there was any.

The shark already apologized to the speaker of space for the next action she would do, which was to open the door by violence. Gura took out her trident and shot at the door lever, so it would open. The door successfully opened, but the result inside the bedroom wasn't what Gura imagined.

The blonde formed a puddle of red liquid underneath her, a rope was wrapped around her neck tight. The eyes...they stared into the void of emptiness. Gura's leg went numb and weak, she didn't have the force to stand up anymore. The only thing she could do was staring at the cold body of her friend, Sana called for an emergency meeting instantly.

When everyone reached the council meeting room, Gura stayed in shock and this probably would traumatize her whole life for sure.

"Welcome back everyone...we need to report that we wanted to check on Amelia Watson...but...it was too late...", Sana reported, it was even hard for the speaker to let out that piece of information, since Amelia wasn't only important for Gura, but for Calliope and Kiara too.

"What you mean by you both were late ?", the reaper asked, worried and scared for the worst to happen.

"Amelia Watson...she's not alive anymore....death by suicide...", Sana added, the room was in grief for those who lost important friends on this mysterious case. Everyone was silent for a minute to mourn for the chosen ones that died today and in winter...

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