• M A T T •

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Requested by: @alyzabeth67



Me and the triplets were going to a party tonight. I was excited but also nervous because I have no idea what could happen.

As we're driving to there I can't help but stare at Matt, I've had a massive crush on him but I can't help but think he doesn't feel the same. We were bestfriends, so I don't see why he would want that to change.

Once we arrive there's music blasting and people everywhere.

"Well this is nice," Nick says.

"Yea if we went to get the police called for public disturbance," I reply.

"The house is fucking massive," Chris said.

"Well what are we waiting for?" Matt looks at us.

Once we walked in we were greeted by many friends, even people who probably didn't know we exist and won't remember who we even are in the morning.

"I'm gonna get a drink," I say.


We've been here for about an hour and a half, I'm a little tipsy not gonna lie. I saw Chris sitting on a couch in the living room. So I went and started a conversation.

On thing led to another and we were making out. It felt wrong but what do I have to lose? (Matt you fucking idiot)

Matt's POV:

I walked into the living room and saw Y/N and Chris literally sucking each other's faces.

"What. The. Fuck," I yell. They pulled away quicker than the flash. Y/N looked at me.

"Matt I-"

"What are you doing?" Obviously I knew what they were doing I just wanna know why.

"Matt c'mon," Chris says.

"I can't fucking believe you guys," I continue to yell, causing a scene.

"Matt can we just talk about this?" Y/N asked. Is she serious. I just looked at her.

I scoff. "I never, EVER want to see you again,"


"What?" I feel my eyes stinging. I can't believe he said that.

"Fine if that's what you really want," and I ran out. I didn't know where to go so I just ran to my apartment.

Matt's POV:

"God dammit," I whisper to myself.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? Go get her you dumbass," Chris said to me pointing at the door. I grabbed my keys out of my pocket and walked to the door.


I've been driving around for about 25 minutes and I can't find her so I check my snap map. She's at her apartment, I'm so stupid. She gave me a spare key so I can walk in.

Once I get there I go to her apartment number and open the door. (After he unlocked it of course)

She's not in her living room so she must be in her room. I walk down the hall and knock on the door. I don't get an answer so I try to open the door, but it's locked.

"Y/N please open the door," I guess that's all I had to do because she opened it. (Simp)

"What?" She asked. I felt so bad. She has tears in her eyes as down her face.

"I'm sorry," I said.

"K," and she tried to shut the door again. I put my foot between the door.

"Please let me talk to you?"

"What else do you have to say Matt? You said what you said,"

"I didn't mean it,"

"It didn't sound like it,"

"Please let me in,"

She opened the door and sat down on her bed. I went and sat next to her.

"I flipped out ok?"

"Yea no shit," she looked at me.

"I'm so sorry, I just can't stand to see the girl I like making out with my brother," we both chuckled. Realization hit her.

"You like me?" She seemed extremely confused.

"Wasn't it obvious?"

She hugged me. I obviously hugged her back.

"Does this mean I'm forgiven?" I asked.

She chuckled. "Yea, yea you are, am I?"

"Of course,"

We sat in silence for awhile.

"I'm gonna go beat up Chris now," I got up.

She grabbed my hand and pulled me back. "No we're not gonna do that,"

I laughed.


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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Mar 25, 2022 ⏰

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