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It had been a normal day at the Iplier Mansion, with everyone up to their usual (and unusual) routines. Whatever peace the Ipliers hoped to gain, however, disappeared when Bing took a look into the conference room on his way to another part of the house. He stopped midstep, turning to get a clear view through the doorway and lowering his sunglasses in surprise. "Uh, guys?" Bing called out. "How long has this thing been sitting on the table, and should I be worried about it being a bomb?"

Said "thing" on the table was a wooden rod, about three feet long, with metal balls on either end. There was an envelope near one end of the rod, scrawled on with ink. Bing guessed that it was either one of the Iplier's names written in calligraphy with a fancy pen, or complete nonsense scribbling. He wasn't entirely sure how a rod could be a bomb threat, but living in the same house as Wilford Warfstach has taught Bing that anything could explode. Anything.

(He forced down the urge to think about The Chain-Reaction Incident, as nobody wanted to or deserved to remember that.)

At Bing's call, more Egos filed into the conference room, slowly filling it up until most of the inhabitants were lining the walls. A few murmured about this break from routine, while others distracted themselves by loudly talking to their neighbor about what they were up to that day. Some (namely, Wilford) tried to touch the rod, only to have their hand slapped by another Ego.

After a few minutes of this, the Host lifted his head. "The Host notices that Dark is about to walk into the conference room."

A hush fell over the Egos, right as the doors swung open. Dark strode in, his mouth a straight line as his gaze fell on the rod and envelope.

"I've reviewed our surveillance tapes," he started, "and this thing appeared out of thin air around five minutes before Bing noticed it. Thank you for notifying the rest of the house." Dark turned and nodded at Bing, who grinned and put a hand behind his head.

"It's nothing, really. Just wanted to make sure nothing would explode this time!" He chuckled, watching Dark raise an eyebrow and turn his attention back to the items on the table.

Dark leaned forward and grabbed the envelope, studying the scrawl on the front. His other eyebrow lifted to join its twin. "It's addressed to me."

Bing wasn't even going to try to understand how Dark could effortlessly read that fancyass writing. Instead, he watched Dark open the letter and scan its contents.

Dark lifted his head, brows furrowed. "It's... a musical invitation."

Seeing dumbfounded faces around the room, he smoothed out his face and gestured with the letter in his hand. "It says that some of us have been invited to see a musical. It didn't tell me its name, but it said that Wilford's and my presence are required. Three other people can join, but it says that's the rod's maximum carrying capacity." Dark raised his empty hand when a clamor broke out in the room. "Bing, as a reward for alerting everyone, I'd like to invite you to see this... musical. I know you're not doing anything today."

Bing blinked, before nodding, and Dark turned to face Dr. Iplier. "Doctor, I would like you to come with us just in case there are any injuries where we're heading. Now, I know you prefer giving your patients bad news," Dark said, holding up a hand to ward off any complaints, "but you still have extensive medical knowledge, and I prefer to be safe rather than sorry."

Dr. Iplier frowned, then let out a sigh, running his finger through his hair. "Fine, I'll join you. I'm not going to make it easy for any patient of mine, though!"

"That's all I can ask for." Dark's shoulders dropped, and he swiveled his head, looking at the rest of the Egos. "If anyone else wants to join, raise your hand or forever hold your peace."

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