Chapter 1

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The years following that train ride were filled with chaos, love, friendship, and lots of secrets.

Stella lived up to her threat against James. She got into Slytherin, she helped anyone without charge any chance she got, she stood up for herself when others tried to tear her down, and she got the top marks in all her classes. She never agreed to any prejudice comments her housemates make and surely never joins there taunting.

Yet people still believed her to be a pureblood supremacist just like her family and housemates. Half-bloods and Muggle-borns student stepped out of here path when she walked by, never daring to talk to her. She hated the reputation her peers and family gave her. She hated how her friends held her to expectations to be just like them. She hated how she had to lie to everyone on a daily basis to live 'happily'.

Stella and her Slytherin best friends, Barty Crouch Jr, Evan Rosier, and Regulus Black, were walking down to the great hall when Gideon and Fabian Prewett called for Stella. "Oi, Rosier! Wait up." The two gingers said running up to her.

"What do you two want?" Barty asked harshly.

Gideon ignored Barty and handed Stella an envelope, "Your invited to the Marauders party tonight. Sirius said you'd know the place, and he winked. It was really weird. Are you guys hooking up or something?"

Stella took the envelope. Regulus glared at Gideon and replied, "They are most certainly not hooking up. And are we invited as well, or just her?"

"It's neither of your business who I'm hooking up with or not," Stella said annoyed.

Fabian smirked at Stella, making her roll her eyes. "And it's only sixth and seventh years aloud, sorry fifthies, Marauders orders."

"Marauders can get over it. They're coming with me," Stella said and she thanked the boys, continuing their walk to the great hall for dinner.

"Why did you get invited to a Marauders party anyways? They don't like Slytherins," Regulus asked. As they walked through the doors of the great hall, heading towards the Slytherin table. "What are you like buddies with the fifth marauder or something?" He asked jokingly.

Stella laughed awkwardly, "How do we even know there is a fifth marauder. Like they literally made their friend group a title, quite cheesy by the way. They could be making up other things. They probably just did it to be more mysterious. And it was probably because of Lupin, we study together in the library sometimes."

The boys accepted her answer and sat down at their usual spot at the Slytherin table. They get their food and start eating as usual. But there is something unusual, Stella wasn't listening to the conversation, and she seemed to be starring in the same spot.

Barty had asked her a question about Quidditch, but she hadn't responded. Barty followed her gaze and teasingly said, "Ohh looks like our Stella has a crush on a Gryffindor." Regulus gave him a confused look and he continued. Pointing at Gideon and Fabian, "She's been watching them all night. So, Stella, dearest, which one is it? or both? Scandalous." 

"Shhh! Just watch," She silenced the boy as she leaned in interestingly. The boys were confused but proceeded to follow suit. Just as they did, the twins took a drink of pumpkin juice and seconds later their hair stuck up straight and turned a bright neon pink. And to make matters worse, they started hiccupping uncontrollably. 

Everyone turned to watch them laughing. The hiccupping stopped but their hair stayed the wonderful shade of pink. The two stood up and marched angrily up to the group of boys laughing the loudest in the room. "Change it back!" Gideon said angrily, pointing to his hair. 

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