Melted chocolate

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A story of a introvert boy "bhuvan", who likes a girl named avikaa and liking her more day by day, who's just out of his league and he don't even have the guts to express what he feels for her.

I woke up at 5 am, And it was raining outside. I thought there's no school for today. I went back to my bed and got lost in the blankets.After a while, My mom came to wake me up.
I said mom,Its raining outside how am i supposed to go to school today? Get out of your blanket bhuvan and see the rain has stopped. I woke up with my crushed expectations and started getting ready for school.Then aarav came with his bicycle and we went towards our school.

While aarav was driving the bicycle he said,
Hey, Bhuvan imagine a dragon is attacking our school bulding and it killed our principle and then went towards the math's sir... What rubbish are you saying? I interputed. Ah,Jerk listern to me first. After killing the princple they went towards the maths sir.. And he tries to kill him but We both somehow manages to kill the dragon and we won the school. As the principle is dead, You're elected as the new, how would you operate the school..?
Can you please stop your silly questions and ride it fast,We're running late buddy. I said

When we reached at the campus,The school's door was closed. I brought back my expections from its grave and said to aarav,
see,the school is closed today looks like there's a holiday because of bad weather conditions.I said.
Um, bhuvan the school door isn't closed because of bad weather,Its because we're late. Aarav Pushed my expectations back to it's grave.
What are we going to do now? i asked. Lets eat the tiffin i'm feeling hungry. That's great i said and Took my tiffin out.
I found maggi with a dairy milk.

Huh,from when you started bringing this choclates with you?
Aarav said. Asshole,This isn't for you, Its for Avikaa.
Aarav Smiled hard and said Why do you think you stand a chance when she goes out with anirudh (moniter).
You bastad,You should encourage me instead of demotivating me..
How long we have to wait outside?? I asked.
Till the assembly finishes..He said.
I started thinking about Avikaa How would i give her the choclate,what if she screams,what if she tells our class teacher,What if she didn't came today?

I wanted someone to answer this questions but not aarav
he's a pain in my ass. He is surely the best excuse about why my grades are going down.But he is also my one and only escape from reality.His only motive in life is to be with me...He don't care about othets. Just me and aarav
Ah,enough where's Avikaa i can't see her,I said.
Well looks like the assembly just finished...

*After a while, as the assembly finishes and the bell for the 1st period rings,the watchman opens the gate and bhuvan and aarav wents towards their class....*

She is absent today seeshhh! I said.

Oh,that's bad but you know what's even bad? The dairymilk is going to melt if you kept it for too long in your pocket so, Lets eat it. He said..
Keep your ugly mouth away from my chocolate
:Writer-Yashank tank

Part 2 will come soon

Part 2 -
"Red sweater"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2023 ⏰

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