" Next Building Neighbor "

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Human, Adult Uzi AU.

Mom suggested I write this, didn't tell her about the shows murder part. Just ranted to her about how much I love N

Living life working as a bartender at a crappy coffee store was not the life Uzi expected her to end up with.

She imagined herself playing the latest and most fire games, her fingers switching positions on an expensive keyboard while she relaxed on a nice gaming chair whilst glueing her eyes on the computer screen.

Instead of that her eyes are long glued to rent papers, complaints from her landlords about the late pay and so on.

Letting out a long sigh Uzi rolled her head up and stared at the ceiling. Her back melted into the hard wooden chair that came with the table.

Her eyes felt heavy for her to keep open, she wasn't surprised when she saw black circles under it, her weight changed drastically too. Other than being that slightly chubby girl in high school that had Gothic clothing, she was a slender like figure, her clothing ranged from old raggy shirts to unwashed uniforms.

Closing her eyes at the state she was living in, an image of her disappointed father and his workmates appeared in her head. Uzi's lips curled down to a frown at seeing that oldening face hold so much anger and disbelief.

"Sorry dad.." Was all she could mutter. Sitting back up straight and opening those tired eyes once again, she went to pick up her pen when she realized the light coming from the window that was in front of hers.

That apartment hasn't had an owner for years, the people living there was basically another bunch of neighbors for her. Uzi always wondered when the lights will shine from that dusted place.

She used her sharp eyesight to see the insides, it seemed to be a bedroom, much like hers. The walls were pastel yellow, having what seemed like hand drawn scribbles of dogs—hers was just a plain brown color with carvings of leafs on each corner.

The decorations seemed, minimalistic at least. Everything was put neatly and was in place. Each thing that could be in her view had a selective group of color.

The colors she saw were yellow, white and grey.

"Damn.. Shameful that such new room like that looks better than mine that was accompanied for a year." She muttered, having a small bit of spite in her tone.

Uzi shook her head,

'Can't be mad at other people's lives Uzi. You'll be living like that sooner or later.'

She smiled, it was late. Almost 2 A.M to say the least, and she wanted to skip to tomorrow quickly. So she got up and prepared for the night.

-[ >< ]-

Bus rides. Everyone had to take a bus once in a while right? It was normal, safe most of the times. But the time Uzi was standing at the stop didn't greet her with the safe part.

Today was a long shift, alot of people's birthdays had to happen at the coffee shop and the recent collaboration with some sort of museum doubled the daily customers.

Everything around her was covered in a dark blue color theme. The moon was out and a light rain was happening.

Uzi heard small taps of raindrops on her umbrella which sort of looked like a parasol. Humming to her favourite song to skip the boring wait she rocked her hips left and right. No one was looking at the moment anyways, everyone was getting ready for bed.

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