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    While she sits reclined in the rocking chair watching 80's television, she starts to drift off into a deep slumber.


"GET IN HERE GODDAMMIT!" John said angerly while holding a bottle of whiskey

The three children come sprinting blindly into the room with so much as one breath

"Who drank the last of my whiskey?!"  He yelled

Dean Blasted out a loud "i didn't"

And so did Sam


"No Sir"

"Don't Lie To Me Girl!!"
*End of flashback*


While Jamming to the classic rock song  'aint no rest for the wicked' Thumping his thumb on the steering wheel and bobbing his head to the selective tunes, it suddenly gets interrupted by the wailing sound of sirens, he pulls the Chevrolet Corvette over to the right side of the road

"Cut the music" the policeman called out while approaching the vehicle.

He repeats the same sentence once more as he noticed that the tunes were still blasting through the speakers.

"Oh sorry officer" the man said respectfully, and then turning down the music from the stereo.

"I need a sense of ID sir"

"Oh of course" the man mumbles under his breath as he pulls out a waud of cash from his collective suit.

"Are you trying to bribe me?!" The policeman questioned as he watched the man count the money

"Well yes officer" the man stated " if you want more all you have to do is ask, it's just money"

"Why do you think I pulled you over" the policeman questioned thinking the man acrossed from him would give him a inconvenient awnser.

"Well you saught to punish me for ignoring the speed limit, it's alright...I like to punish people too.. or at least I used to" a slight smirk arose on the man's face as he continued to count more of the waud of money as if it was going to burn through his hand.

"What is you want" the man questioned

The officer looked confused at that remark

"What is it that you truly desire"


"C'mon there must be something you want, hmm? Some little desire you have hidden?"

With a blank expression on the man's face leading to a quick answer "I like to wail the sires and drive full speed down the roads"

"Well see? You enjoy it don't you?"

The man reaches his hand out of the vehicle with a total of four hundred dollars in his hand motioning to the money the man starts to say  "go on, take it...buy something you desire"

The policeman took the money with a pleased expression that quickly turned to confusion

"People like to tell me things" the man whispered to the officer with a devilish smirk acrossed his face "now if you don't mind I actually need to get going"

"Of course" the policeman said with a smile "oh and thank you"

"No matter....." The man muttered through his teeth "no matter at all"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2022 ⏰

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