"He wants to sleep more but when he goes to sleep he isn't sleepy." She sighs shaking her head.

"A very serious problem." I look down at him, he shouts and hides behind Foziah again. He is a very moody kid.

"What's up?" Asad smiles at me. "I'm so happy for you."

"I know, thanks." He gives me a half hug as he is holding Sorfina.

"Hey." I tap her fluffy cheeks. She is exactly like Sara and she is the one who named her Sorfina which means Neat, Clean, and Free from Dirt.

She looks at me with her big eyes and blinks before she smiles.

"Sorfi, say Hey." Asad looks at her. She looks at him and continues smiling. "Say Hey."

"Give her." Arya pulls Asad's shirt.

"You sure you can take her?" He looks at her amused.

"Don't give." I shake my head, last time she slipped from Arya's arms.

"I'll put her down on the playmat you can play with her." Asad pulls her cheek looking at her sad pout.

"You'll not talk to me?" Aryan asks Ahad. He simply whines again getting close to Foziah.

"Leave him for a while he'll join you when his mood is okay," Foziah makes him understand.

"I am waiting from the time you came let me just ask it." Foziah looks at me as Asad takes the kids inside. "Where's Mishti?"

"She'll come with her friends, anytime soon."

"Okay." She nods. "You are happy?"

"Obviously." I laugh. "I have always wanted this, my complete family."

"Let's get in."


"No, arrange the meeting for tomorrow itself no need to delay it. I'll come tomorrow." I talk to my PA on the phone.

"Is Kunal around?" I ask wondering if he left. I asked him to join but he wanted to work.

"No, Sir. He left a few minutes ago."

"This is my Mumma." I look over my shoulder as Arya runs to Mishti and hugs her.

Mishti looks stunning as usual, dressed in a knee-length mustard yellow outfit. A black watch is clasped around her wrist and she holds a black purse in her hand. The way she carries her look is what makes her attractive.

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow." I disconnect the call.

"This is Aunt Shreya." Arya introduces her.

"And this is Aunt Sam." Arya grins at Sam.

They introduce three of them to the family.

"You have grown up." Foziah laughs as she pulls Arya's cheeks and smiles at Aryan.

"Hey!" Foziah puts forward her hand. "I am Foziah."

Mishti smiles at her shaking her hand before she leans in to hug her.

"I said you even I have a beautiful mother," Aryan tells Fawzi.

Foziah hugs Sam and Shreya as she smiles at them. "There is no need to feel as we are strangers. Mishti has been like my sister to me, she has been like a family member, and since you are her friends you are family."

"Besides, we have Kunal relating to Shreya." Asad chuckles.

"Well, I am not related to anyone, and Shreya and Mishti will be my only family," Sam shrugs.

Sweetness Of Life ✔जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें