The Move 2

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Björn woke up by a loud scream. His heart started to run fast and he turned on the table lamp. "Darling! What is it?!" he almost screamed with panic in his voice. Agnetha cried and pressed herself close to him. "Soo..." Björn stroked slowly her back, and the hard crying became small sobs. "What happened?"
"Nightmare..." Agnetha said between the hiccups. "Aw, don't worry. I'm right here... Do you wanna tell me about the dream?"
Agnetha shook her head. "Okay..."

She felt that she was so childish. Wake up in the middle of the night and start to cry like a little kid, and letting the nearest person comfort her. That was one of the things she wasn't happy with about herself. She was so dependent and had to have people around her all the time to feel okay. Even if she deep inside her knew that it wasn't wrong. But it felt wrong.

"I'm okay now, good night" she said. Björn smiled and turned off the light. But after a few minutes he turned it on again, he heard that Agnetha was crying. "But, honey... What is it?"
"I just can't stop thinking about that nightmare... It was so horrible... I lost the people I love the most... Can you please talk about something random? So I can think about that instead."
"Do you want me to sing?"
"Yeah..." she said quiet. "What do you want me to sing?"
"To Live With You" she answered with a little smile. He laughed silent, and started to sing:

"Every night when things calm down, the children are asleep at last, we stay up for a while. Sit together at some coffee, and talk about the day we've had. I take your hand, and smile.

How much I love you, and how long since I've told you. How good just to be near you, to hold your hand and sit beside you.
How good it is, to live with you.

Now it's time to go to bed, turn off the lights and listen, to the lonely sounds of night. Laying with you in the darkness, to reach out and to touch your face, makes everything alright.

How much I love you, how good to lie here with you. To feel your passion growingn make joyful love, to be together.
How good it is, to live with you.

How much I love you, how good to lie here with you. To feel your passion growingn make love and sleep in peace together.
How good it is, to live with you...

Björn stroked Agnetha's face, and she smiled against him tired. "Thank you love..." she said and sat up to reach his lips. She gave him a little kiss and then laid down again. "Do you feel better now?"
"Yeah, thanks." They just looked at each other, and Björn took her hand and stroked the backside of it slowly.

"No, now we need to sleep so we cope the tour of the house tomorrow."
"Yeah, good night..."
"Good night, darling..."

The next morning Agnetha, Björn and Linda took a long trip down to Stockholm to watch the house they maybe would buy. They rented a boat and went out to the island Lidingö.

"This house is amazing!" Agnetha said as she pulled around Björn after the common tour of the house while carrying Linda. It wasn't too many people there, and the one who was there wasn't very interested. Or, they maybe let Björn and Agnetha take it. Off course they knew who they was. They got the house at once.

Back home Benny called.
"Hello, this is Agnetha."
"Hi! It's Benny. Do you have the time to help us to move some stuff to the new house? Off course we have professionals with us too to move the big boxes. But if you could help us to carry them up?"
"Off course we can! Are you right there now?"
"Yup, we're here."
"Okay, we will be there. In fact this is so stupid... We were just in Stockholm and wached a new house!" Agnetha laughed. "Oh, no. But you don't have to come then, okay." Benny laughed. "No, we can do it. We'll be there in a couple of hours, bye."

"Who was it?" Björn wondered and wrapped his arms around Agnetha's hips and rocked her careful from side to side. She loved that. "Benny. We will help him and Frida with the move."
"What?! Do we need to drive down to Stockholm again?"
"Yup, sorry" she said and turned around and let her lips touch his. He sighed. "Okay then..."
Agnetha went to Linda in the living room. She lifted her up. "Hi, honey" she said and stroked her soft cheek. Linda smiled so her two small teeth showed. "Naw, you're such a cute...!"
"What do we do with Linda?" Björn asked. "What do you mean?"
"It's maybe stupid to take her with us now."
"I'm sure it's okay to leave her at Jonsson's. Maja would just be happy to have someone to play with."
"Okay, I call."

Some hours later they were in the new house in Gamla stan.
"Hi!" Frida said and wrapped her arms around Agnetha and gave her a tight hug. "Hello!" Benny said.
They went into the kitchen and took a cup of coffee before they started.
"This house will be perfect for you" Agnetha said. "Yeah, and espacially for Benny. 99 steps, wow..." Björn joked.
"Shut up!" Benny said, but laughed quite hard anyway. They almost forgot to move the boxes because they had such a nice time, like they always had together.

(Just say that the song "To Live With You" can you find on Benny and Björn's first album together called "Lycka" if you wanna hear it^-^. "Lycka" is even the name of the Swedish version of the song:) You can even hear many songs with Frida and Agnetha in the background. The album was released 1970.)

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