When you can't stop kissing him pt 1

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Scenario: You wouldn't stop kissing them
when they are "busy"

Oliver (Oli):
He was chilling at his desk, making his music when you came up to him and may I remind you, he doesn't know you are next to him.
You started by sitting on his lap, straddling him which left him shocked for less than a second because he didn't know you were there but he then relaxed because he is used to you doing this whenever you wanna hug him.
You then started to place little kisses on his neck which made him get butterflies but he pretend that it didn't affect him, you started to go up his neck and to his cheek which made him smile but he ignored your actions because he was wanting to finish his music first.
FINALLY, you began to repeatedly kissing his lips because you were ✨addicted✨ to his lips (I don't blame you 🙄✋)
"Bab-" he tried to talk but kept on getting interrupted by your lips attaching to his and this made him smile so big that you weren't kissing his lips anymore, you were kissing his teeth.
He finally gave up and let you do whatever you wanted, finally started to kiss you back.

Sebastian (Seb):
He was laying on his back in his bed, laying on one of his hands while his other hand was busy going through his phone when you all of a sudden collapsed on top of him which made him let out a big "OOF" and made you giggle while you repeatedly kissed his collorbone which made this man go to his knees. "Bub whatcha doing?" he asked with one of his eyebrows up and looking up, you didn't reply and instead started to kiss him all the way to his lips which he almost immediatly responded by kissing you back, "Do you need money??" He asked which made you offended because you were just trynna show him your love but he thought you needed something.
"No and even if i did, I wouldn't go to you!" you said while sitting up, "Why?!?! I'm your boyfriend?!?!" he asked, "Because your card will get DECLINED" you said back before running away.

While he was playing Call of Duty on his computer with his headphones on in his room, you were ✨touch deprived✨ so you straddled him and snuggled your head in his neck which he didn't mind because you did that a lot.
You then started to kiss his neck, ALMOST giving him some hickeys but you decided not to do that to him AND BOI DID THIS MAN HAVE A AQUARIUM OF BUTTERFLIES, then you started to finally peck his lips constantly "ok ok bro chill" he said while smiling and tilting his head to the side.
"BRO?!?! WHO ARE YOU CALLING BRO?!?? I KNOW YOU AIN'T CALLING YOUR OWN GIRLFRIEND BRO?!?!?" I said while completely blocking his view and continuing to kiss him which makes him laugh at your clingy side then eventually said sorry and kissed you back.

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