CH14: >:) & :)

915 41 20

Ranboo: Guys! Guys! Come here right now!

Tubbo: What-

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*What does it mean and who did write it?

Tubbo: What-what is this!?

Techno: I don't know...

Tubbo: Where did you find that?

Ranboo: It was there.

Ranboo point at a window.

Ranboo: It was next photo of us and Michael.

Tubbo: What...

Techno's face turn a pale and he starts run to a place.

Tubbo: Where are you-No

They start run toward a place.

Tubbo: Michael?! MICHAEL!

Tubbo calls his name.

Ranboo: I found him!

Ranboo points him and they relief.

Tubbo hugs him and smile.

Tubbo: We should watch over him.

Techno: I'll search a person who write this.

Tubbo: Okay.

Ranboo: I'll call a help and look outside of a house!

Tubbo: Thanks techno and ranboo.

They nod.

Tubbo: Who was that...

???: You never know.

??? smiles.

???2: Hey -----! I'm the one who write that letters! Don't enjoy without me!

???: Sorry -----. become like me.

???2: Maybe it's because I'm your ---- -------.

???: Yeah you're right.

???2: Did you write a mark for them? 

???: Of course I did. They didn't see it tho.

???2: Did you write soooo small?

???: Yes.

???2: That's the reason.

???: But I also wrote it in front of their door.

Ranboo: Hey I'll call help.

Eryn: Why do you need me?

Techno: It's because-

Eryn: I found a paper....and there are marks.

???2: Oh yeah they found it finally.

??? and ???2 smile.

Tubbo: What do you mean mark-wait...

Techno: That green bastard.

Tubbo: But who is other...mark?

Techno: I don't know.

They look at marks.

>:) & :)

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