To The Boys I May One Day Date

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To the boys I may one day date,
My heart is frozen at the top of a mountain, reach it and the treasure hunt may begin.
My soul here, in a cage of despair. Stuck in my own little world, of butterflies and daisies.
A true child of the earth you may say? I guess you'll just have to find out.

To the boys I may one day date,
I am not some little virgin when it comes to pain. My skin may feel soft to the touch, yet beneath the softness is a hide tougher than leather.
My heart cold, yet if you are truly mine then you will not flinch.
The hypothermia you receive would be like a gift. You'd accept and thaw my heart in return.
You'd look past all crude and merciless attempts at pushing you away and see that deep down I am really crying out for you.

To the boys I may one day date,
The future comes unknown. If you truly are the one, you won't ask questions, instead you'll accept me for who I am an relish in my joy, accept my laughter as payment for you, and love me till the next.

To the boys I may one day date,
Know as I may seem viscous, deep down I am just a girl. Kind-hearted, flower-loving, angel of a girl.
Lost in translation though, is my intentions. Don't mistake me.
As patient and innocent as I can be, that wire is only so thick and remember,
I am a good shot.

To the man I may one day marry,
The purity in me may be gone if you don't hurry. And I'm not talking in sexual terms. a young girls heart can only take so much, from cooperate evil such as this world, alone.
Be wary my temper, be gentle in heart, and love me to the end as a mother would her child.
And remember, the is no such thing as divorce in my world.

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