"Nah, we're good pals." Foggy shrugged. "That'll work in our favor, just you wait."

It wasn't long before they reached the correct street, and found Matt waiting just a couple of buildings over. Cassie did the same thing she always did, walked up and stood about a foot to his left, waiting for him to notice.

Of course, he noticed right away. She'd been wearing the same perfume that Matt quickly came to recognize.

"Hey Cassie," he pulled her in for a hug.

"Morning Foggy. Oh good morning Matt!" Foggy mumbled to himself.

Deliberately ignoring her brother, Cassie once again turned her attention to Matt. "You guys ready to tour your new place?"

"Hey technically your name is in the business too, so really it's all of our new place."

Cassie couldn't help but laugh. "That mean I'm the boss, since Nelson comes before Murdock?"

"Yes ma'am."

Foggy pretended to gag. "No more flirting. Please, I am begging you both," he looked to the entrance of the building and pointed towards a blonde woman waving to them from the front door. "Thank God let's go."

Matt held his arm out, and Cassie linked hers through. Another thing that they'd been doing a while. Starting back in college when Matt figured out that Cassie scared easily, and that any little noise would make her jump. Whenever the three friends were walking home at night, he'd hold out his arm and call himself her seeing eye dog, saying he'd guide her. Now it was just a habit.

Foggy gagged again, but remained silent as he walked ahead of the two.

"—and two offices. Corner suite has a view of the Hudson. You can flip a coin with your partner for it."

Cassie had to hold back her laughter as Matt said that Foggy could have the room with the view.

As the realtor, who then introduced herself as Susan Harris, stumbled her way through an apology and introduction, Cassie took that minute to walk around.

"Hey Cassie?" Matt called her over when they'd finished talking. "Care to walk a guy around the space?"

They linked arms once again, Cassie guiding Matt around as Susan talked them through the history of the building, assuring them that since the incident, the building had barely been touched.

Chuckling to herself, Cassie found it a little amusing how the Chitauri and all that happened because of Loki, it was all now referred to as the incident. She knew her old friends would find that funny.

As Foggy and Susan had a little back-and-forth about the price of the space, Cassie led Matt around the room they'd just walked into.

"So, what do you think?" Matt paused, turning to face her. "And be honest. If it's ugly you have to tell me. You know, because I'm blind."

"I," She paused, trying to work out exactly what to say. "I think it could use a good sprucing up. But I like it. It's... a fun... fixer-upper?"

Matt held his arm out again, heading back towards the sound of Foggy's voice. "We'll take it."

Cassie's eyes went a little wide, and Foggy stared at him, clearly not expecting that.

Burn / Matt MurdockWhere stories live. Discover now