"Where are you going?" Diana asked as he moved away.

"To gawk and stare at art." he winked leaving Diana alone.

Diana decided to do the same until the Prince arrived.  She wandered in the far corner of the gallery. To her dismay, she did not see Penelope or Eloise among the people in the rooms. The royal entourage must have not arrived yet as the patrons were actually more focused on the art meandering leisure in the various rooms.

Alone, Diana began to notice more gentlemen and older matrons nodding and smiling her way. It was a strange observation as if they knew something she did not. As she turned out of the room, she caught sight of the large party at the far end.

The royal entourage was great indeed, drawing the attention of many. The Queen leading the way was directly in the center being escorted by Prince Friedrich. He looked very much the royal as ever, the curl of his blond hair not out of place, the suit sharp and heavy with his military honors. Diana would be lying to herself if she didn't melt just a little at the sight of him, remember not too long ago his warm gaze and lips were solely focused on her. 

The party also consisted of the usual court that the Queen surrounded herself with alongside Sir Elliot Walters and the younger Von Brandenburg arm in arm with their usual stiff composures. It also included the anticipated newcomer, the elder Collette Von Brandenburg. Diana stared curiously with the crowd, it was immediate to her who Collete was, having similar features as her younger sister. She was tall, beautiful in a statuesque way, elegantly walking with her sister and Sir Walters. Diana knew she was made to be a Princess, her breeding shone through with each step she made. Demurely she seemed to steal glances beside her toward Prince Fredrich. 

"Beautiful is she not?" Darcy appeared next to her whispering.

"Absolutely," Diana replied as they watched the group stop at the host welcoming them. 

"But not as beautiful as you. Don't forget that sister." Darcy smiled warmly.

"You are biased." Diana chuckled lightly pinching him.

"Not quite, since mother began to interfere I've had many inquiries by families of eligible gentlemen." Darcy winked.  

"And my value is because I've been able to get these inquires?" Diana rolled her eyes, she also wondered if her sizeable dowry had also influenced their interest. 

"Of course not, but since you have been so focused on the Prince you haven't noticed the others and quite frankly, some are spurred with the challenge." he replied.

"Are you saying I should consider others?" Diana asked frowning, she didn't like the idea of being a cow to be won. Darcy did not reply raising his brow before looking at the royals. Friedrich smiled murmured quietly in the Fruelin's ear and enthusiastically guiding her through the room, leaving Diana with a sour taste in her mouth. "Marrying a Prince comes with...much consideration." he muttered frowning at the sight as well.

Diana moved away, ignoring him quite surprised that her brother would divulge such things. As she watched among the crowd, the ton murmured as they gawked the Prince and the Fruelin. Many whispered that she would be Princess before the season was out. However, this presented another challenge as it became impossible for Diana to try and get his attention as he was solely focused on the beautiful guest. Diana never thought she could feel the bite of jealously but there it was coiled around her heart.

It became clear to her that the royal entourage kept a circle around the young couple. The patrons did not dare try and breach their party and Diana did not dare as well. The Queen was very strategic in ensuring that the couple would not be disturbed. All hope degraded as the afternoon wore on, Diana conceded that she would perhaps try again at another event. Her dismay caused the art around her to feel dull and lifeless. So she wandered around listly through the rooms.

"Ms. Vincent." A clear cool voice brought her back from the darkness of her thoughts. It was Cressida who observed her curiously. 

"Mrs. Allenspark." Diana curtsied and attempted to move past her, confused at her acknowledgment.

"Walk with me." Mrs. Allenspark said, offering her arm. Diana took it begrudgingly, having no means of escape.

"I have been meaning to speak with you since I saw you with the Prince." she said quietly.

Diana glanced around worried about eavesdroppers looking for a piece of gossip. 

"I'll make it quick, I know you'd rather be anywhere else but I only mean to offer some advice that might help you." she said. 

Diana glanced up at her mouth agape. Cressida's tone had turned softer and it was then Diana noticed a kind of peace on her face, a gentleness that was clearly hidden under her sharp veneer.

"Why are you offering this advice?" Diana asked recovering from her initial shock.

"Because I know what it is like, despite his attentions last year to Daphne I had also managed to hold some of his interest." Mrs. Allenspark looked forward. "Daphne did not have the pleasure of experiencing the royal circle as I did." 

"I doubt it was pleasant." Diana grimaced as she stole a glance at the Queen.

"Correct, because Daphne wasn't serious with him and I was, the amount of manipulation I was exposed to was quite the experience, even as third in line to the Prussian crown."  Diana had always suspected this of that sphere, she remembered conversations between her mother and father many years ago about Parliament and dealing with the court.

"I am aware there are surely many things that come with marrying a Prince, but I'd like to hope that it can be endured....together." Diana said.

"There are many things, you should be aware any promises made can be broken and don't lose yourself to the crown, you are still young and obviously naive." Mrs. Allenspark frowned. "But, stand your ground and make sure he stands on his." 

Diana considered her words as they continued through the next room. 

"There are many people in that circle who would see you fail and... at the time  when he began to focus on Daphane, I began to notice that the Prince despite his good intentions had not taken control of his life as I was led to believe." Mrs. Allenspark frowned. 

Diana absorbed her words, it was no secret that he had left Prussia, many assumed it was a rebellion to finally take matters into his own hands when it came to marriage but now the tendril of doubt that Diana had taken hold with Cressdia's words. It was becoming very much a possibility that he was merely delaying the inevitable.

"Do you think he would fight for....what we have?" Diana whispered turning to face her. 

"That remains to be seen but you know him best at this point so if he does have the fight, he must promptly utilize it if he wants to be happy and be prepared when the Crowns don't get their way." Mrs. Allenspark said releasing her arm. Mr. Allenspark had caught her attention and was smiling warmly at them. 

"Thank you....Cressida." Diana smiled squeezing her hand. The small gesture seemed to surprise her, so in return, she nodded. 

"I personally believe you make a charming couple, if you do become Princess, I would daresay you would probably bring new life long overdue." she grinned, her usual sneer replaced with something more genuine, leaving Diana in wonder of who Cressida really was. 

Diana walked out of the room in search of her mother. It was when she rounded the corner she quite literally collided with someone.

"Excuse me." Sir Elliot Walter adjusted his coat, looking down at Diana in disdain.

"Apologies Sir Walters." Diana replied stiffly attempting to move around him.

"Wait." he commanded. Diana almost ignored him but propriety made her turn and plaster any sort of smile to hide her dismay and curiousity.

A/N: The sh!t going down is going to a somewhat of a slow train wreck but I'm a sucker for pinning, angst, and petty crap. ;) 

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