i. gear and beers

Start from the beginning

"That sounds fucking perfect, man! What is it?" Charlie excitedly jamp around his seat as we all waited eagerly.

"Thank you, ya crazy fuckers! Good night!" The blonde singer from the band roared into the mic as the band finished their set and pranced off the stage.

"There's a metal band, and they're growing in popularity fast. I'm good friends with their manager, Jonny Z, and we both thought this was a great idea for each band." He paused to light his cigarette. "What d'ya think?"

"I think it's a good idea. It'll be good to get more exposure." Don is first to speak, drumming his hands on the table.

"Hell more money, count me in." Charlie laughs, sipping his Guinness.

"Astra, what are your thoughts?" David asked me, noticing I was the only one who hadn't spoken.

"Well, I don't know Cartman..." I brushed my black hair out of my face. "I don't know about this whole other band thing." I lit the cig dangling between my red lips, exhaling out the smoke and rubbing my temples. I could feel Charlie's negative stare in my direction and payed it no attention.

"C'mon, meet the band first. I'm sure you'll change your mind." David smiled, getting up and stepping out of the booth.

"They're here?" A confused Don asked as he joined him along with the rest of us. David led us to the side of the stage, through the black back door covered in posters and to the dressing room. It was the band we just watched perform. I felt my stomach drop. He knocked three times until a voice shouted "Come in," and so we did.

I waited while the others went in, smoking and leaning against the wall outside the room. I wasn't happy about touring with another band, specifically one filled with young dudes who didn't know better. They were good, i'd admit, but i've come to learn my lesson when it comes to the music industry. My entire life I've been in and out of bands, and treated like shit by men. I had one band that was going somewhere, but was constantly prone to the members taking advantage of me and I was fed up. I was living on the streets then, and now that I finally had something with people who thought of me as a sister instead of an object I didn't want it to get fucked up.

"Fucking hell, Astra! Get in here." David laughed nervously at me as they were introducing each other. I put out my cig and walked into the room being hit with the stench of sweat and alcohol. As I entered, everyone's gaze shifted onto me.

"Chick guitarist..." One of the men with light brown hair mumbled from the floor, breaking the silence.

"Chick drummer." I shot back at him earning laughs from everyone, leaning against the doorframe.

"Ignore him. I think it's badass." The man I recognized to be the bassist cheered from the back of the room, holding up horns. I smirked at him. "The name's Cliff." He walked over to me and shook my hand.

"Astra." I ran my tongue across the inside of my bottom lip. 

"Now Astra, if you were here you would've known all their names and had a proper introduction." David lectured me, feeling a little embarrassed. "Why don't you all just get to know one another while me and Jonny talk outside?" And with that the two managers left the room alone to the bands. 

Don went to talk with the blonde singer, Charlie sat on the couch with the asshole from earlier and a curly haired man who hadn't said anything yet. It was then when I noticed he was staring at me. He was the lead guitarist, I remembered being impressed by his solos earlier. He had deep brown eyes and I slowly realized we were staring eye-to-eye. My face went crimson as I looked down at my shoes. 

"How long have you been playing?" Cliff asked me, leaning next to me. He towered over me, really. Definitely one of the tallest in the room, Charlie probably taking the gold at 6'3.

"Since I was 12, I'm self-taught" I told him, trying to hide the hint of pride in my voice for my years of hard work and dedication. I could hear the blonde singer talking about me with Don and knew it would only cause trouble. "We gotta keep thing professional here, you guys. Those are my terms." I raised my voice for the entire room to hear. 

"Babe relax, it's nice to get a little friendly for when we leave in 7 days." The asshole from earlier remarked.

"Don't call me babe. And I haven't even approved the decision yet so hold yer horses asshole." I shot back in a vicious tone, wanting nothing more than to feel my first hitting his face.

The guys looked at each other in confusion. "What do you mean? We already have all the dates booked..." The blonde said from next to Don. I stood in silence, realizing what I dreaded most was true. I immediately left the room to find David, to meet him outside smoking with Jonny Z. The night air was cool compared to the heated inside of the bar, and sent a shiver down my spine. I walked up to David.

"What's this about all the dates being booked for both bands? Isn't this a band decision, David? Not a 'oh I'm the manager so I'm gonna get more money without even seeing if my band agrees on it first' decision?" I sarcastically hissed.

"Listen Astra, there was too little time for us to decide and discuss it together and I thought you would all be onboard." He sighed, feeling a little embarrassed in front of Jonny. "I'm sorry doll, you know I wouldn't do anything that'd hurt you." I threw my head back and rubbed my eyes, stressed. "Astra, c'mon, I'll buy you a drink, anything you like." 

If there's anything David learned over the past year, was that the way to a girl's heart was definitely free drinks.

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