Chapter 4

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Italic-Male Narrator
Bold-Female Narrator

Third person's pov:

"And so here we are--Legacy Day, where the students of Ever After High signed the Storybook of Legends, pledging to follow the paths of their fary-tale parents"

"Or not"

"Seriously? I'm narrating here"

Raven and maddie was walking with eachother in the halls of ever after high "Maddie, you have to help me" Raven said before holding both of maddie's shoulder

"I don't feel like i can sign the Storybook of Legends, but i don't want to let anyone down either" Raven said letting go of her shoulder

"And don't forget the whole, 'If you don't sign, your story disappears. Poof! And you may vanish into oblivion' That's a thing, you know, and it's gotta hurt" maddie said mimicking Milton's voice

"But we don't know if that's true"

"But what if it is?"

"But what if it's not?"

"But what if it is?"

"You're not helping" Raven said giggling "Wait a tick ♬I think i know who can help~!♬" Maddie sang


"No, but see--I am totally a Royal" Blondie said talking to apple at the lockers "Raven! There you are. We have to talk" Apple said

Raven dragged maddie away "Come back!" Apple shouted chasing them "Apple, where are you going?" Blondie asked

Apple stopped running "I have to convince raven to sign the book, My destiny depends on it" apple said and ran away

Raven and maddie entered the library and went to a door, maddie knock a specific tune before disapearing with raven

"If anyone knows the truth about the storybook of legends, it's giles grimm" Maddie said as giles came to view

"Feathers and friends, together, alone" Giles greeted bowing "He's speaking riddlish" Maddie cheered clapping

"He was cursed with a babble spell. Makes him sound. You know, bru-ru-ru, cuckoo" Maddie whispered

"He says it's nice to have us here" Maddie said "Mhm, but wouldn't it also be nice to greet someone here?" Y/n asked, she was sitting in a chair beside the table reading a book

"Oh! Y/n!" Maddie cheered, y/n laughed "How did you get here?" Maddie asked "Let's just say I'm good at riddles" Y/n said with a smile

"Don't forget why we're here, ask him about the book, If i don't sign, am i really gonna-disappear?" Raven asked

"Mm-hmm. Can a musical chair change it's tone when the tablet of granite is inscribed with a bone?" Maddie asked giled

"Hmm. The king who sings with pages of sky fears too much the dawn that rises with lies" Giles answered

"He says there's something wrong with the book, and that if you don't sign, your story...will..." Maddie said

"What? What?!" Raven asked before splashing is heard, maddie was putting tea in 3 teacups one for her, one for giles, and one for y/n

"Oh, sorry. If you don't sign your story will continue" Maddie said with a smile "Ah, really? Oh, that's great." Raven exclaimed

"I think" Maddie said and sipped her tea "Uhh! You think?" Raven asked slamming her hands on the table

"Hey! Riddlish is not an exact language" Maddie said then flashed a charming smile with y/n nodding with the same smile


"At last it was Legacy Day"

As apple finished her pledge the royals cheered while the rebels just clapped, Y/n watching proudly

Now raven is doing her pledge, the royals were glaring while apple cheered her on

"I am Raven Queen, and I'm going to write my own destiny. My 'happily ever after' starts now" Raven said and closed the book, the mirrors shattered

The royals gasped, the rebels cheered. But y/n, she was uncertain of her feelings. She was happy for raven yet sad for apple

"I'm still here. I didn't disappear" Raven was mad at milton "How could you be selfish?" Apple was hurt

The royals booed at raven "I'm sorry, Apple. But i...oh!ahh!hold everything!" Raven shouted freezing everyone

"I didn't know i could do that" Raven looked at apple and unfreezed her "I'm sorry, Apple, but i don't want anyone to tell me who to be. I want to figure that out on my own. And don't you understand? I'm not the only one who gets to choose their own destiny now. We all do--even you" Raven said

"But i don't want to choose a new desting. I liked the one i had, and because of you it might not happen" Apple said pointing at raven

"But it might" Raven said trying to comfort apple "I don't know. I...I just don't know" Apple said and walked away

Raven unfroze maddie "Wow!" Maddie cheered and went beside raven "You're still here. No poof, poof, poof. Yay!" Maddie exclaimed

"I know. It feels good" Raven said smiling

"Life between the Royals and the Rebels at ever after high would never be the same after raven stood up for what she believed"

"What she believed was wrong. She didn't honor her destiny. She tempted fate"

"Listen, narrators, we are trying to have a nice moment here" Maddie scolded and laughed with raven

Double update cause im nice, jk jk.

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