Chapter 3

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The lantern illuminated the dining hall; enough to see the eleven-year old boy seated, hand fumbling with whatever object he seemed to study. "You're up late, Norman" He spoke to the unannounced other, creeping closer to the table. "I could say the same for you" The albino responded, returning the hushed voice. It was late, neither could say how late with their mind perpetuating other subjects. Silence crossed over the two boys, both minds on one topic. "You lied to her" Norman started. "She would of been restless if I hadn't" Ray fired back, tucking the object, which Norman failed to glimpse at, into his pocket. Eyes meeting the blue. Those blue eyes- one that contrasted many thing- too many to feelings comprehend. The lurking guilt that whelmed in his chest whenever he looked into them. "Maybe.. but it's still a cruel thing to do, she'll be devastated." Norman conceded. "I'll be shipped off no matter what, that reaction will be triggered whether I lie or not" the remark was true, whether Ray lies or not, he'll still end up walking to his death with his mother beside him. Meaning Emma would still feel pain regardless.. "Unless you escape. You still have time, we can break the tracking devices and we have the materials" Edging on the idea, Norman reflected hope for the other adverted his stare with a sigh. "You get it right, Norman? This situation is in Mom's hands. I won't escape, both you and mom know why" Ray hissed, frustration in his voice. His mind fluttered to the recent memory. "If I break an arm, leg anything- she can't-"

"You're desperate. You're choosing not to think rationally because it hurts to accept the truth." The albino's head fell low, sight on consisting of the wooden floorboards and the lantern he still carried by his side. It was hopeless, Ray wouldn't escape. No matter the extent Norman tried to persuade him. Not only that but Ray was right. Norman chose not to think to think rationally, to avoid the truth and seek hope, because it hurt. The truth stung bad, worse then anything he's ever felt before. Uncontrollable tears streamed down his face, the aching truth hurt. It hurt so god damn bad he wanted it to stop, wanted this endless nightmare to stop. "Norman.." The others voice soaked with sorrow and guilt. His eyes met with the blurry figure, who had a warm smile and a helpless gaze. Lurching within his grasp, he never wanted to let go. His bestfriend would be leaving him.. forever. He felt powerless, there was nothing he could do. The other held him just as tight, he could almost hear a choked sob from the other- no, perhaps it was himself.

"This was to come"

Ray mumbled

"Everything will be alright in the end"

Ray claimed.


When he woke- he was in bed. Warm sheets covering his body and children who met him with smiles, everybody running to get dressed and Ray who was doing the same. Emma was resting in the nursing room and Gilda accompanied her. "Ah.. good morning" Norman replied to the children, a few of them asking for help to tie their shoes and button their shirts. Don led the children from the corridor to the dining hall where breakfast was about to served. Ray had gone ahead with them. Was it a dream? Norman questioned to himself. No- he knew that it wasn't that he cried into Ray's shoulder that night as the truth settled in. His eyes were still a bit puffy and cheeks had dry tear-stains. He should clean up before heading out.


"Everyone, I have an announcement" Isabella called to the group of children who were ready to dig into breakfast. "I know this may be a little sudden but I've got a notice. Congratulations, Ray, you're being adopted!" The children cheered with smiles, the ones who sat near the boy nudged him with smiles and small congratulating comments as the chatter arose with chatter about the adoption. "He's not leaving today, right?" Jemima spoke up, furrowed eyebrows which resembled worry. "Sadly, Ray is leaving today but you will have plenty of time to play later on" More chatter arose, declares of having the best game of tag before he leaves were made and sad remarks about him leaving so soon.

With in no time the children set out to play in the grass fields. Ray initiated that he would play tag later, that he had something important to take care of. Now he was running through the forest, a rope in hand and small metal tool- presuming to be the device to break the tracking devices. His mind going back to the determined smiles the three, Emma, Gilda and Don, gave him wishing him luck in his escape. Don- who had furious at his betrayal and pleaded for an explanation (as they all did) even managed to forgive him, putting it to the side and wishing him luck and shedding hope for his escape. His only real intentions were to inspect the vicinity. That all they need for there escape so Ray's doing it for them. As a sorry- or a thank you. Minutes have passed before he stood in front of the wall. Using the tree and the rope to mount the wall.

The sight was a shock. The air swept from his lungs with the breeze that pushed his hair.

If I hadn't accepted Mom's offer.. would Norman be standing here now, starring down at the hopeless cliff?


Dear 73584, Mom Isabella,

I've heard many things about your particular plant. Many good reports from Grandma Sarah and I must mention, She takes great pride in taking about your accomplishments. Though she is not the main topic of the letter nor are you particularly. I've heard of the spectacular news about the children you've raised and I expect nothing less from you. I guess I must also thank you for the premium quality livestock you have raised- many are pleased with your work and I know you will continue that impressive work. Although, I've also heard from Grandma Sarah that you've had a complication with the top three premium quality you've raised. To ease the problem and control the premium quality livestock better-I request one of the tope three; 81194, 22194, 63194, will be transported to Lambda 7214 a new experimental farm. I expect that you make the best decision possible- if I must include, this experimental farm handles things such as testing with various things so I expect you to also choose a child that will be able to withstand these experiments the best.

- Peter Ratri From The Ratri Can

Disbelief crossed his mind, 

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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