dumb blond. • SEBASTIAN BACH

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Quick A/N: every imagine from now on will be in set in the 2020s, just with the celebs and music trends of the 80s. This is because I have no knowledge on what was and wasn't a thing back then, and I don't wanna get anything wrong or inaccurate. Ty guys ily

Never in your life had you coexisted with someone so insufferable. Sebastian Bach was the very definition of insufferable, and was the textbook example of fame going to someone's head.

Presently, you were pissed off at him. As Skid Row's manager, you felt entitled to a certain level of respect. You understood that Sebastian and his band had established a strict "no authority" attitude, but Rob, Rachel, Snake, and Scotti did not talk to you with the audacity that Sebastian did. They still had some semblance of a respectful human being deep within them, but that part of Sebastian was just hollow. Anything he wanted to say, he said it, and that something was, more often than not, annoying in some way.

You flopped onto the couch, groaning as Rachel stared down at you with sympathy. "I'm sorry about him," he apologized for him for what seemed like the millionth time. Rachel loved Sebastian, he did, but sometimes, he hated his guts and just wanted him sacked. Thankfully, the blond-haired lead singer had retreated to his room for the time being, so both you and Rachel could catch a break.

"I just don't get it," you sighed out, running a hand through your (h/l) hair. "What the fuck is with him?"

The incident that spurred this whole exasperation on was confusing, and it continued to be even after you replayed it in your mind over and over again. Sebastian had wanted to go for a run, that way he would be feeling good and feeling ready for his photoshoot afterward. You understood that, and that was valid, but he had woken up way too late, and would be leaving too late. By the time he'd get back, the photoshoot would have already been set to start. And you can't keep a photographer waiting; that's very disrespectful and discourages future work.

So, you gently told him that he would have to go running after. He would still experience the benefits of it, and he wouldn't miss a day. He'd get in shape for his upcoming shows, he'd get his run, and the photoshoot would be done. Everyone would be happy.

Except, of course Sebastian wasn't.

"No, I'm going running," he kept dismissing you, tying his hair up as he side-eyed you with annoyance. "I need to fucking run. I need to be awake and refreshed and at my best. You don't know shit about what works for me."

"I don't know what works for you, but I know what works for the business," you had replied, exasperated. "I'm your manager, after all. So suck it up, drama queen, you're not running now."

Sebastian had shook his head and grabbed his water bottle, pushing past you. "Yeah, fuck off, (Y/N). I have a routine. I stick to it. If you don't like it, you can kiss my ass."

Rachel, who had been watching this whole exchange, grabbed Sebastian and turned him back around so that his back was facing the door. "Fucking listen to her, man. She could sack you."

"Over a run? Now that's a drama queen," he spat, chuckling in a mean-spirited way.

This verbal sparring match went on for a few more minutes: you insisting that he could do his run later, him insisting he had to do it right at that moment. And, it eventually ended with Sebastian groaning like an overgrown teenager, stomping to his room, and slamming the door.

Presently, Rachel sat on the couch beside you, awkwardly patting your back in a friendly way. "Nothing's with him, (Y/N). He's just being Baz."

"That's such a shitty excuse to be a dick."

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