Chapter 1

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Third person's pov:

Y/n was on her mirror phone laying on her king sized bed, Then a knock was heard from the door

"Come in!" Y/n shouted sitting straight and putting her mirror phone down to look at the door, a dwarf came in

"Ms.White, we found a big clue considering your biological family" The dwarf said closing the door and standing straight after

"There's a big chance your biological sister attends ever after high" The dwarf said as y/n gasped

"Any other clues i need to know?" Y/n asked, her full attention on what the dwarf will say next

"A girl just about your height ma'am, that's all we have right now" The dwarf said, Y/n sighed and nodded

"Ok thankyou" Y/n said smiling, the dwarf nodded and went away. Y/n stood up and went to her mother's office

Y/n knocked and waited for an answer, a quiet 'come in' was heard and y/n entered

"I assume you have heard about the clue, mother?" Y/n said as she sat at the chair in front of the table

"Yes i have, what do you need?" Snow white asked signing come papers, "I want to attend ever after high" Y/n said which made snow white dropped her pen

"Are you sure?" Snow white asked her full attention on y/n "Yes mother, i want to investigate it myself"

"Okay, if that's what you want. But just incase you don't find her, you are always welcome to this family" Snow white said as she walked over to y/n

"I'll inform your sister about this then I'll move you to ever after high, this is hexciting!" Snow white exclaimed hugging y/n tightly while y/n giggled


Apple bursted open the door looking very shocked at y/n "YOU'RE MOVING TO EVER AFTER HIGH?!" Apple shouted still at her position

Y/n nodded her head, apple squealed and jumped at y/n who was laying at her bed

Apple hugged her moving around making y/n laugh "you're going to see my friends! And raven the evil queen's daughter!" Apple excitingly said

"I'm excited aswell, apple. I'm going to school with you and a lot of our friends" Y/n smiled, putting one of her hand on apple's shoulder

Apple hummed as she smiled sadly "If you find your biological family, will you leave us?" Apple asked with tears on her eyes

"That's a problem to solve in another time, for now let's just enjoy the moment alright?" Y/n said trying to cheer up apple

"You're right, let's go hang out with briar" Apple said wiping her eyes, she pulled y/n up from the bed

The 2 got ready and went to the mall with briar and had fun hanging out with each other


"Bye girls!" Briar shouted as the carriage moved, the 2 just waved goodbye and waited until the carriage was nowhere to be seen

Y/n entered her room exhausted and got ready for bed, washing herself, removing her makeup, brushed her teeth, wearing her nightgown, and went to bed

Y/n's dream:

Little y/n with blue,pink, and white hair was playing with 3 little girls, 1 boy, and a bunny

The kids were blurry, she couldn't make up their voices and faces. "Y/n! This is a symbol of my love for you!" A girl said as she sticked something under y/n's left eye

"Thankyou ***!" Little y/n shouted happily, "Y/n you dropped your hat!" Another girl scolded as she put the hat on y/n's head

"Thankyou big sis!"

"No problem lil y/n"

"*** stop jumping!" The boy shouted as the bunny kept jumping on the drawing papers

"Sorry" The bunny said and moved away from the papers, the boy tried to remove the papers from eachother but it was glued together

"***!" The boy shouted angrily, the other girl grinned and dissapeared

-Dream end-

Y/n gasped sitting up her bed with a horrified look, she breathed heavily before it steadied again

'Who were those kids?'

She stood up and walked to her makeup table, she looked at the red heart under her left eye that her mother suggested hiding

She tried removing it but it wont go away 'This is more like a tattoo, what even is this?' She thought to herself and looked at the ring on her hand

The ring that she took very good care of and never removed, then looked at her other hand where a bow was tied to, another precious accessory to her

But she never knew where or who she got it from, her mom always told her that she found it with her when she was found in a bush

She sighed and went back to bed hugging a pillow

It's only February and yet i already had 2 eras this 2022

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