Chapter 1: Entering and The Ball

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What do you desire?

Money and wealth?

Honour and pride?

Authority and power?



Something that transcends all these?

Whatever you desire... here.

3rd POV:

In a dark cave stood three figures.

The first one a humanoid rabbit, this creature's face was practically featureless. The only thing to show that it was not a doll was the black slits, that when widened showed his narrowed eyes and mouth. This creature is none other then Headon, the guardian of the first floor of the Tower.

Next was a beautiful human female. She had long flowing black hair which was tied by a red ribbon up in a ponytail, and piercing red eyes to match. This person is the owner, well at the moment the pervious owner, of the Black March. A ranker and one of the Princesses of Jahad. Ha Yuri Jahad.

Finally the last figure is of a small man, more specifically a male dwarf. This dwarf was none other the Ha Yuri Jahad's personal guide, Evan Edrok. He is also a ranker and an A-rank guide that is usually seen wearing a green explorers outfit. He had silvery-grey hair, matching eyes, and milky coloured skin.

"'ve got a bad sense of humour." the princess groaned before she continued.
"Let's go, Evan! Let's fin-" Yuri was interrupted by a sudden burst of light. It came from the 'doors' of the Tower. When the light disappeared there stood a young boy, he had long silvery-white hair with purply-pink tips tied up in a ponytail, and he wore a fancy blue noble-like outfit with a fitting white cape to boot. Yuri was looking at the boy with pure amusement; after all another irregular appeared and not to mention he is quite handsome, but other then just being handsome he didn't look that much tougher then the last one. Evan was stupefied, two irregulars in one day. Was this some kind of sick joke, one irregular is enough but two. Headon, well his expression was hard to read, apparently he hates irregulars so he might not be too pleased with the arrival of the new one.

"Ho, it seems a new visitor has arrived." Headon spoke with a malicious grin spread across his face. "Welcome to the Tower young man." the humanoid's voice drew the attention of said boy. The boy looked at the white creature with a confused face. "My name is Headon, I'm the guardian of the first floor of the Tower. What's your name, young man?" Thinking about it for a few seconds the boy finally came up with a name, not his real name but a name all the same. "White." 'White's' response was blunt and quick. "What an interesting name. Well then White, how did you end up here?" The young boy didn't have an answer he had no clue how he ended up wherever he was. "I don't know? Anyway where is here?" White asked tilting his head, while looking at the trio. "You are in the Tower" Headon stated. "Excuse me, the what?" White questioned. "You mean to say you don't know about the Tower?!" Yuri Jahad shouted in astonishment. The other irregular that came before White seemed to at least know what the Tower was, but not the irregular in front of them. "Umm... No, sorry." The revelation was shocking, someone in this world knew nothing of the Tower. "Then let me explain." Headon said as he began his explanation. "It's very simple, the Tower is a place where whatever your desire is comes true if you reach the top. But in order to get to the top you have to pass the test on each floor." "Oh, I see. I understand, so as I travel up this Tower it should get harder right?" White inquired to confirm his theory. "Yes."

It took awhile to settle in for the two rankers, but when they finally processed that the boy didn't know about the Tower another shocking thing hit them. "Wait! You can understand us?!" Evan and Yuri screeched. "Y-yes? Am I not suppose to?" White answered genuinely confused. 'Is this what other people are like?' he thought. "There are different languages outside of this Tower, and the language Macsethian is only spoken here in the tower, so when you enter you get given a pocket to understand the language. But since you've just arrived here you wouldn't have one." Evan explained pulling out a round marble wrapped in paper with what was probably writing on it, when White touched it the paper began to fly off. "That is an A-rank pocket. It's too generous since you're new but it's all I've got right now. It will help you communicate with others from far distances by sending a message, and it normally would allow you to understand Macsethian as I said before. Now say invisible mode and it will disappear, and visible mode for it to reappear." Doing as the male dwarf said the pocket was now invisible.

"I suppose that we should start the test now, shall we?" the white creature said while tapping his staff on the side of the cage. A light appeared on one end of the staff and a giant eel and a black ball appeared in the cage. "The rules are simple all you have to do is go into the cage and pop the ball. But be careful for that thing is a White Armoured Eel, it's temperament is usually mild. But this time of year is his spawning season, and he hasn't had anything to eat for a few months... So he is very aggressive at the moment." the white rabbit monster explained. "Headon are you crazy?! I'm not lending another weapon again! I don't even have the Black March!" Yuri yelled out. "I never said anything about lending a weapon, princess. Now White, will you take this test or turn back and leave this tower?" White didn't even think about it, it was either the test or solitude. Without saying a word he walked towards the gate. "Are you crazy?! Do you want to die?!" the princess screeched. White didn't say a word and continued walking pass the gate. Yuri was ready to go and drag him out until Evan stopped her saying, "You already interfered with one test, god knows what will happen if you interfere with another one."

The eel swam full speed at White, but unlike any normal person he continued to walk forward. Just at it got in front of the young boy it opened its mouth, but before it could eat the boy whole its head was sliced from its body. It would have been impossible to tell how it happened, but White was seen with a bloody sword in hand by the three figures that stood on the opposite side of the cage. "W-What? What in the world just happened?!" the ranker duo cried out, as White whipped the blood off his sword. Once the giant sea creature was decapitated the silvery-white haired boy walked over to the ball and quite effortlessly destroyed it. Since the test was now over White was teleported to the next floor. "Well that was unexpected." Headon stated, unsure on how to comprehend what just happened.

A/N: The beginning of this chapter was inspired by Suprame101 and their Tower of God fanfic. I was unsure how to start off this chapter and theirs was a great beginning.

What Do I Desire?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora