Chapter Two: Investigation Blues

Start from the beginning

'She's all clean, why would she be dead?' Lisbon asks in frustration.

'Jealousy.' Jane states simply.

'Okay then, why? We need motive.'

He simply gives her the picture that he was holding, it was fresh and new. It was Autumn at a party, she smiled through the camera as it flashes. She was holding a red cup while she sat on the footsteps of someone's house.

'Why? Lisbon? Look around. No doubt the Wellingtons' had money, she was a role model; she got to go to parties freely or maybe she was even a popular chic at her school that every male specie asked her out. Someone was envious and it drove them past angry.' He says.

Lisbon nods at the idea, giving it her own thoughts.

'I say, we catch the envious one and wa- lah! We have the killer.' Jane spreads his arms like it was some kind of show.

She nodded. 'I'll met you downstairs.'

Lisbon left and Jane stands at the middle of the room, he glances at the picture again. It was Autumn, smiling sweetly at the camera as it flashes. As she holds the red cup, a pair of eyes watched her from behind. Jane tucked the photo inside his three piece suit. He closed the door and went downstairs, he saw Lisbon finishing the interrogation and went to her side.

'We would like to say our condolences. She's in a better place now.' He solemnly says. In these times, Lisbon knows that Patrick Jane is no fraud.

The man sighs and the woman's eyes tear up again.

'I know what it's like, believe me. You wake up, with a big smile on your face and believe it was an ordinary day, you suddenly forget and you call her name.. Someone comes to you and states the realization. It breaks your heart every time, everyday.' He says.

'Thank you.' Henry Wellington says sincerely.

They turn their heel and leave the grief stricken place. While walking towards the car, Jane places his arm in Teresa's shoulder and without questions, she places an arm on his midsection. Like it was the most natural thing in the world


The three agents brought three students in the interrogation room, one girl and two boys. They were excused from school, if circumstances were different, they would be grinning like mad teenagers. But today, it was a different thing.

Cho fished his cellphone out and dialed his boss's number. After a few rings, she answered.

'Hey Cho.' Her voice from the other line says.

'Boss, we have three friends of the victim here.' He informs.

'Question them separately, we'll be there in a couple of minutes.' She says before ending the line.

Cho goes to the rest if the team ordering and assigning them of what to do, each nodded obediently and went to the separate interrogation room.

'Hi.' The sandy, blonde hair boy greeted. His hair was neatly combed to the other side, his lips were pink in color, he had high cheek bones and sad, grey eyes.

'Hi.' Van Pelt says. 'You must be Luke Brandon McFarland.'

'Yes ma'am.' The boy nods while he places his hands in front of him.

'Where were you the time of the murder? Around ten pm to four am in the morning?' She begins.

He narrows his eyes at Van Pelt, clearly offended by the question.

'Now, before you fume, it's all part of protocol. Police work.' She informs him. All those Psychology classes she took finally made sense.

'I was at my party. I was the one who threw the party that Autumn attended.'

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