Chapter 3

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I wake up in a purple room and I see Dr. Strange. I run up to him. "Strange where am I?" I ask. "You are in the power stone and this isn't the true me the real me is gone. You are probably wondering how to get out." He says. "Right I need to get back to Clint." I say. "Well all I can say before I leave is you have powers but your powers don't appear without realizing your strength comes from your brain. You must believe in yourself and remember your experiences that helped you and that will see you through. Now go the avengers need you." Strange says and I arrive infront of the compound with the power stone. I press the doorbell. "Hello is anyone here it's me Y/n. I have something that may be usefull." I say. The door opens and I walk in while thinking about my experiences. The remaining heros are at the compound creating a time machine. "How long have I been gone?" I ask. "5 years." Clint says. "Oh I have the power stone." I say. I think of the first mission, the time I became an avenger and the time Clint and I met. I start glowing purple and my hands form into sharp purple blades and I gain purple armor. I stop glowing but the armor and blades stay. "That's it Y/n now use that to save everyone. Remember if you need to make a sacrifice your powers will help." I hear Strange say in my head. "So Y/n can you turn back?" Steve asks. I turn back and the others smile and inform me on what they need to do. "So Y/n stay here and in 5 seconds after we leave press this button." Bruce says and I nod. they all get on the platform and have this conversation. They leave and I count. "1 2 3 4 5. Now." I say as I press the button and everyone comes back except Nat. I realize what happened. I run up to Clint and hug him. "Oh Clint. I'm so sorry." I say sadly as he cries into my neck. I let Tony, Thor, Bruce, Steve and Clint mourn. I walk outside and hear them bickering. "Enough all of you. We can't get her back that's it we can't but she put her life on the stone so we can make it right. It's the only thing we can do to make Nat's sacrifice worth it." I say. They all nod and we head inside, they create the gauntlet and the question is who'll snap. Another argument comes up and Bruce decides to snap. We put our guard up and Bruce snaps. Clint gets a call from Lila. I look up and see a spaceship. "EVERYONE LOOK OUT!!" I yell as the compound gets distroyed. I'm with Clint and I have the gauntlet. I look down a hallway and Clint shoots a flash arrow and we see outriders. We start running Clint stabs a pipe with an explosive arrow and the outriders go boom. I shoot a grappling hook to get up as Clint grabs my hand and takes the gauntlet as I throw him up and the outriders leave us alone. I look at Clint and see Nebula take it from him. I see Gamora and the real Nebula as the old one points the gun at Gamora and is about to shoot but the new one shoots her first. Jesus this part is so confusing. We are able to escape and we see Steve, against the whole Dark order. Portals on our side appear and the other avengers that once were gone exit through them. We all Stand together and get ready to fight. "AVENGERS! Assemble." Steve says as we run up and we start fighting.  Clint is running around holding the gauntlet. "Cap what do I do with this thing?" Clint asks. "We have to get it where it came from." He says. "That's impossible Thanos destroyed the quantum tunnel." Tony says. "Wait that wasn't our only time machine." Scott says. He presses a button and a horn sound appears. "Does anyone see an ugly brown van?" Steve asks. "Yes but you're not gonna like where it's parked." I say. Clint gets hit and drops the gauntlet. Thanos runs over to him but I land in between them and I power up. I start swiping at Thanos eventually slashing his throught but just barely cutting the skin. He tries to hit me with his blade but my armor protects me. I play music in comms and I start fighting while dancing making him not able to hit me but I'm able to hit him. He eventually hits me hard sending me far and I power down. I see black but when I wake up I see the gauntlet and I run over to it but Thanos hits me and he grabs it first. "Fuck." I say in pain I look over to Strange and he lifts his right hand up and I know what I have to do. I fight thanos trying to get the stones. "Y/n what are you doing!?" Clint yells. I grab the stones before thanos hits me to my knees. "I am inevitable." Thanos says. He snaps but nothing happens. "Looking for this. I have made my experiences my strength and I will incinerate you." I say as I snap. His whole army disappears and I fall from weakness. Clint runs over to me. "Y/n please don't leave me." He pleads. "You'll never be alone. I'll be with you from dusk till dawn. Baby I'm right here." I say as I collapse. The avengers take a knee and I lightly glow. They keep taking a knee making me glow brighter and brighter. Lastly Clint takes a knee and I get revived. "Y/n you're alive." Clint says joyfully. "I'm happy to see you again." I say. We head to the cemetery and Clint, Steve, Tony, Bruce and I stand there remembering Nat. "We all miss you Nat. Glad you could help. Wish I could've got to know you more." I say.

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