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She was in her room making herself comfortable then Loki walked.

"Loki what are you doing here?!" She said with a jumpy tone.

"Sorry to startle you darling I just thought I'd check up on you I suppose I was a tad rude earlier" he explained

"it's alright I don't mind" she said as she sat on her bed.

"you're not scared of me .. why?" He asked he sounded confused, he walked over slowly and sat next to me.

"I don't have a reason to be" She said looking directly at him. She is now confused than ever and he has left her feeling almost sorry for him. She thought that they might have a bit in common.

"I asked you a question darling" he said calmly. The way he said this so calmly appealed to her like he knew her past or like he understood her.

"i'm not scared of you because I don't know you and I grew up in a house with a man that turns green when he gets angry and you don't really compare to that no offence" she said and her glasses fall out of her pocket.

"Non taken darling I guess I'm confused ..." he said and he spotted her glasses and he picked them up and gave them to her, "these yours?"

"Yeah thanks!" She said as she put her glasses back into her pocket.

"do I know you from somewhere I swear I've seen you before as soon as I saw you today it seems like I have spent a lifetime with you" she said looking at Loki.

"I don't know what you are in about but if you need to talk my room is across the hall get some rest I can tell you have potential" he said as he got up and he left the room.

When he left she knew he wasn't so bad like everyone was treating him he is just misunderstood and broken. This was the tipping point for her. She was drawn to him needed needed him not even in a sexual or romantic way it was like they were meant to meet it was perfect. She sighed then she changed into her pjs and she went to bed.

Caught in mischief Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt