A question to remember

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A/n this was requested by someone on quotev so enjoy!

The sweet taste of honningbrew mead washed down Arch's (say Arc) throat as he watched the Bannered Mare on a usual Fredas night. The companions drinking like they live on mead, Uthgerd the unbroken take down a man twice her size and Saadia serving the costumers. Things were going pretty well he'd say. A shadow came up to his left and Ria , Njada Strongarm and Aela the Huntress ( who looked like she didn't want to be there) were standing next to him with wide smiles on their faces.
"Can I help you, ladies?" He asked while turning his head to face them and a innocent look on his face.
"Actually yes, there is a party at the Hall Of Jorvaskor and we were asking if you like to come?" Ria and Nijada asked at the same time which Arch had to admit was kind of creepy. He saw Vilkas bore holes into his back from the table behind him and he turned to face the ladies again.
"Sorry ladies, I'm reserved and Ria, I think Vilkas, your boyfriend, may not be happy about that." Arch pointed out and all their faces fell , apart from Aela who gave a snort and left to join the rest of them aka the boys.
"For the last time he isn't my boyfriend." Ria muttered as she and Nijada walked away , disappointed. Phew that was close he thought as he exhaled and turned back to his mead. What made him say that he was with someone else though?
He glanced back at the girls before he saw them looking (with disgust) and walking away from man in yellow mage robes and jet black hair. Marcurio what have you gotten yourself into?, he thought as he silently betted to himself that Marcurio will come up to him , asking for more advice on girls.
on que, Marcurio walked up to him with an unamused look on his face, " Your advice didn't work."
"Well,ahh-" Arch tried but was interrupted by Marcurio.
"-It didn't work the last time either! I'm starting to think you're making this whole thing up..." Marcurio said tiredly as he slumped into a chair next to Arch.
"We're going now." Arch simply stated, trying to change the subject from dating advice because he remembered he had a job to give back to Isran at fort Dawngaurd for killing the 'Advisor' at Dragonsreach. Mustn't let his reputation as thane of Whiterun go down now , would he? Arch got up, leaving a few tips on the table for the service and walked out of the door. Marcurio lifted his arms up in annoyance but persistently got up and followed , after all working with the dragonborn on the go has its perks, including a chunk of coin.

Time skip

After a long winding 6 hours of endless walking and Marcurio complaining , they (finally) arrived at Fort Dawngaurd and Arch climbed up the stairs but before he could open the door, he was stopped by Marcurio.
"Going to see your girlfriend Serana are you? Well, give me 200 gold and I'll fuck off so I wouldn't ruin your chances." Marcurio simply stated while Arch immediately reached into his coin purse and paid him 200 gold.
"You know where to find me." Marcurio calls out and he walked back and left the scene. Arch let out a deep breath and straightened his Dawngaurd armour before pushing the great oak doors of the fort. To the left he saw Serana sat down, twiddling her fingers idly and he made a mental note to talk to her later. He walked to where Isran stood , bending over a map in a corner.
"The Advisor is kept care of." Arch simply stated as Isran pushed a pair of iron smithing gauntlets his way, not taking his eyes off the map before making a hand movement to leave. Knowing Isran well, it must've been one of his 'major breakthroughs' for hunting vampires.
"Isran having one of his major breakthroughs again?" Serana's voice rang in his ears and he turned to his left and saw her standing there with a kind smile on her face. He nodded, closing his eyes briefly while Serana gave a laugh.
"I know this might be a bit much but mind if I can join you on your travels?" Serana asked to a baffled Arch. He quickly fixed his face and nodded again, suddenly quiet.
"Not talking , huh?" She asks as he bursts out laughing, "Honestly , I don't know why."
"Let's get going." She stated as she patted his back and motioned him to follow.

A/n so how was the first chapter? Let me know in the comments. plus this is how Arch looks  like :

 plus this is how Arch looks  like :

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Two rivals in love ( A Serana x Male!Dragonborn OC) [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now