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Jean glanced at her wristwatch to check the time. 7:06 AM.

Every member of the council is present now and all are giving their effort to make sure that the event will go on smoothly. They set up chairs for later, and they polished the booths to make them look appealing. Other stalls were being set up by some members from other clubs as well as pestering stray students. And by pestering stray students, it means students who have nothing to do with the council or clubs but want to 'help'. 

Okay, maybe there's only one stray student. 

"You have ten seconds in between each photo. That should be enough for you two to think about a pose and get props." The operator of the photobooth told them.

"I didn't sign up for this." Diluc said as he attempted to escape Kaeya's chokehold. His brother dragged him from doing whatever he was doing just to take photos. He tried reasoning with him that they haven't taken a picture together in years. 

Which was a complete lie, but he's already here so why not.

"Jean, come join us!" Kaeya called out to her as he took a bunny hat from the pile of props. Diluc got his hands on the first thing he saw which was a frog hat.

"I'll join as soon as you finish your first batch." Jean said before the two smiled for the camera.

The first picture was them wearing their respective hats. Kaeya showed a peace sign and had his arm around Diluc's shoulders. Both had wide smiles on their faces. Jean forgot how wholesome they can be when they're not going for each other's throats. She also didn't expect Diluc to be so photogenic.

"Okay. After we take pictures with the three of us, you should take pictures with Diluc." Kaeya discarded the bunny prop and replaced it with big heart glasses.

"What? Who gave you that idea?" Diluc took off his hat as well and got a 'single' sign with an arrow. They posed for another camera flash. 

Diluc covered half of his face with the sign while pointing it towards Kaeya. The latter had a smug expression despite the huge heart glasses and he made a check mark with his hand under his chin.

"Doesn't matter who gave me the idea. What matters is, it's a good idea." Kaeya teased as he took off the glasses. 

"I don't mind taking a picture with Diluc." Jean said. She suspects an underlying meaning with Kaeya's scheme. But she didn't want to assume things.

"See? Everyone's happy!" Kaeya exclaimed before the flash.

Kaeya had a monocle over his eye and a mustache sign under his nose. Diluc wore a golden crown and grinned which shrunk his eyes to essentially create an eye-smile. He also held a heart emoji sign.

"Fine. But nothing else after that. You're literally distracting us from doing anything." Diluc huffed in annoyance as if he didn't just show the cutest expression.

"We're testing if the photobooth works. Doesn't that count as helping?" 

For the fourth photo, Kaeya wore an eyepatch and held a sword. Diluc held a bird-esque mask over his eyes.

"You're just saying that." 

"Don't you think that the photobooth is the perfect time to confess your feelings for someone?" Kaeya quietly said so as to not let Jean hear. At first, Diluc was thankful that he wasn't loud about it but he literally screamed his next sentence.

"Diluc has something for you, Je--" Before Kaeya could finish, Diluc pushed his face to the side and the camera clicked. The last photo was just Diluc glaring at him whilst Kaeya's face is blurred because of the movement. 

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