Meeting Charlotte

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AUTHOR'S NOTE - If you're re-reading, you may notice a few small changes. Occasionally I'll read back through my chapters and find that some editing is in order. Happy reading!


Ten o'clock. How was it only ten o'clock in the morning?

David Wallace took a slow, deep breath as Michael stopped at a red-light and continued to prattle on about some nonsense. David had learned a long time ago just to tune the man out if he wanted to keep his blood pressure from rising to an unhealthy level. He had been doing a tour of all the Dunder Mifflin branches and had intentionally saved Scranton for last so that he could just get home to relax after spending two days with the regional manager. His flight from Akron had gotten in not too long ago, and thankfully Jim and Pam Halpert had also been at the airport to greet him along with Michael, who had insisted they go out for breakfast before continuing on to the office.

A quick glance to the backseat found Jim and Pam having their own conversation, but Pam gave David a sympathetic sort of smile. David smiled and rolled his eyes in return. He liked the Halperts. Despite the age gap, the three of them had become friends over the years, and David always made time for dinner with them whenever he was in Scranton. He turned his attention back to the front seat in time to hear Michael finish off his story.

"So, I said, 'It's not like booze ever killed anyone.' I mean, c'mon!" Michael chortled as he turned the car into the office parking lot.

David blinked slowly as his brows lifted. He glanced at the clock on the dash. Two after ten. And he still had the rest of today and all of tomorrow to get through.

Michael gasped as he pulled his car into a spot and pointed to the vehicle next to his. "Charlie's here! Oh my g--," he put the car in park and turned to look at Jim and Pam with a grin. "Oh, ho, ho. David, you are in for a treat, my friend!" he said as he hurried out of the car. "Charlie!" His voice was muffled through the closed doors, and he jogged toward the building still yelling. "Charlie! You weren't supposed to be back for another week!"

David slowly turned to look a the Halperts in confusion. Jim was shaking his head and Pam's lips were pressed tight.

"Do I even want to meet this Charlie?" David asked. He was picturing another Todd Packer and shuddered.

Jim's head suddenly went from moving side to side to moving up and down, and Pam's lips turned upward into a smile. "Definitely. But not for the reasons Michael wants you to meet her."

"Ah." With Pam's use of the word 'her', David immediately understood why Michael was so eager to get inside. The man had an unhealthy obsession with women he deemed 'hot' and was always desperate to flaunt the acquaintance he had with them.

The three of them got out of the car and started for the office door.

"If we hurry, we can be there when he tries to hug her," Pam said with a giggle.

Jim grinned and turned to David. "So, Charlie is our new HR Rep. Well, soon-to-be HR Rep. She's been assisting Toby for about, what," he looked to Pam, "two months now?"

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