Chapter 19: Aftermath

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Judge: I'm aware of the timeline.

Laine Jensen: The related case is complete as of today. Justin's plea is in, the paperwork is done.

Judge: Understood, Counselor, but as a minor, he has to be released into custody.

Laine Jensen: We have been searching for Amber Foley for weeks, Your Honor. She's nowhere to be found.

Judge: Keep looking. Until then, he's remanded. Bailiff.

Laine Jensen: Hang on, Justin. We're working on it.

Justin Foley: I know. Thank you.

Justin Foley's mother, Amber has not been seen or heard of since Justin's arrest. Since she can't be found, he can't be released. Meanwhile in the hallway.

Zach Dempsey: How are you 2 feeling?

Hannah Baker: Relieved.

Jessica Davis: And stronger.

Alex Standall: Hannah, Jessica, I'm sorry for putting your names on the list. It was stupid of me. I'm an asshole.

Ryan Shaver: I'm sorry for stealing your poem and posting it on my zine.

Courtney Crimsen: I'm sorry for throwing you under the bus to Monty. I'm an asshole, too.

Zach Dempsey: I'm sorry, too. I should've never taken those compliments.

Jessica Davis: I'm sorry for even accusing you of sneaking around with Alex. And slapping you at Monet's.

Clay Jensen: I'm sorry for even leaving you at Jessica's party. I know Sheri is sorry too.

Hannah Baker: Thanks you guys. I'm sure going to miss Sheri.

Tony Padilla: She'll be out in 5 months. She's just got to survive juvie.

Clay Jensen: Jess, do you think you & Justin will...

Jessica Davis: I don't know. He did lied to me.

Alex Standall: Do you still have feeling for him?

Jessica took a second to think about it as she nods at them.

Ryan Shaver: Have you guys heard back from that Doctor guy?

Clay Jensen: No.

Hannah Baker: We haven't seen or heard from him in over a month. Not since the Cybermen.

Laine Jensen comes out of the courtroom as everyone stands but they don't see Justin with her.

Clay Jensen: Wait, where's Justin?

Laine Jensen: They'll only release him to a guardian, and the judge won't move on it. I've filed emergency papers, but it's a 24-hour minimum. He's going to be on probation once he's released.

Clay Jensen: Thanks, mom. For helping him out.

Laine Jensen: I know he made a huge mistake with Bryce, but he did do the right thing eventually.

Everyone leaves the courthouse as they go their separate ways. However, Hannah & Clay looked across the street and spot The Doctor looking on as everyone has left. Hannah & Clay go across the street to meet up with him.

Hannah Baker: Where the fuck have you been?

The Doctor: Sorry to have disappeared. But I figured this is something that you didn't need me for. And I was right. You all did good.

Clay Jensen: Bryce is going away, for a long time.

Hannah Baker: Sheri was sent to juvie for 5 months. Hopefully she'll be alright.

The Doctor: And how do you feel now, Hannah?

Hannah Baker: Glad that I'm still alive.

The Doctor: That's good to hear. Then I guess my job here is done.

Clay Jensen: So what's next?

The Doctor: What's next is up to you. Your future is whatever you make it. So make it a good one, both of you.

The Doctor begins to walk away.

Hannah Baker: Hey, Doc, where are you going now? Back to the future?

Clay Jensen: Seriously?

Hannah Baker: What? If you can quote Star Wars, why can't I quote Back To The Future?

The Doctor: Nope! Already been there. I can quote Back To The Future as well.

Hannah & Clay laugh it off.

Hannah Baker: We'll we ever see you again.

The Doctor: Maybe, maybe not. If so, it may not be with this face, as you've already seen for your self.

The Doctor begins walking away as Hannah & Clay watch on.

Hannah Baker: Do you think we'll ever see him again?

Clay Jensen: I hope so. Hey, Hannah. What are you doing this weekend?

Hannah Baker: Clay Jensen, are you asking me out on a date?

Clay Jensen: I am, yeah.

Hannah Baker: What do you have in mind, Helmet?

Clay Jensen: I believe I owe you a bike ride. I was thinking I take you for a bike ride on my bike and we have a picnic.

Hannah Baker: I'd like that. I'd like that very much. By the way, you were adorable when you were 2.

Clay Jensen: There's that word again.

Hannah takes Clay's hand as they begin walking away from the courthouse while The Doctor watches on from his TARDIS.

The Doctor: I knew those 2 would ended up with each other sooner or later.

Nardole: So those are the 2 kids that you've helped out.

Nardole, while working for Dr. River Song on Mendorax Dellora, he was beheaded by the body of King Hydroflax, who used him to obtain information on her whereabouts. Knowing River would go to her death in the Library following their 24 years together on Darillium, the Doctor reassembled Nardole out of fear of being alone.

The Doctor: They remind me of her, Nardole.

Nardole: Dr. Song?

The Doctor: Yes.

Nardole: Where to now, Doctor?

The Doctor: How about New York City, I need to check on Grant.

Nardole: You mean the boy who swallowed a wish-granting gemstone?

The Doctor: That's the one.

The Doctor departs from Evergreen County as he begins to make his way to New York City in the year 2016.

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