"She must really love you then to just wants to wake up and tie the knot," Patricia states and Kennedy looks across the way at Harold and Natasha who were having their own conversation.

"I like to think that she does," Kennedy says, "My goal is to make it as long as you and Harold."

Patricia smiles at her, "Something tells me that the two of you will."

"Romanoff and Allen?"

"That's us," Natasha says and the two of them head into the room. The ceremony was short and easy and when they walked out of the courtroom, they were officially married. Patricia and Harold cheer them on. The kindness of strangers was such a beautiful thing.

"Would you like to join us for breakfast?" Kennedy asks and Patricia chuckles as she pats Kennedy's shoulder.

"We'd love to."

They head to a cute little breakfast place that Kennedy had been to several times with Wanda. She loved the bagels and coffee there and since she requested it, Kennedy felt it would be appropriate to bring it.

"You two look very familiar," Harold states, "I'm having a hard time putting my finger on it."

"Natasha is an Avenger," Kennedy states and Harold looks at her with a grin.

"You're Black Widow! Our granddaughter loves you!"

"Really?" Natasha asks, flushing a little. It was a sight that made Kennedy's heart beat a little faster. She loved when shy Natasha made an appearance.

"Really," Harold says as he pulls out his phone, "Can we maybe take a picture with you?"

"Of course," Natasha says. Kennedy smiles and holds her hand out to take the phone so that she can take a picture. Patricia and Harold pose beside Natasha, the three of them smiling. Kennedy takes the picture and smiles at it.

"Selfie!" Patricia says as she waves Kennedy over and holds up her phone and takes a picture of the four of them.

They sit down for breakfast and Kennedy enjoys getting to know the couple. She mostly enjoys watching them, the way that they looked at each other. The way they talked to each other. It was pure love and adoration.

Kennedy pays for breakfast when she orders Wanda's  to go.

"It was a pleasure meeting you two," Patricia says as she gives Kennedy a hug.

"You as well," Kennedy says.

Patricia looks over at Natasha and then back at Kennedy, "I think you two will make it fifty years. Maybe more, health permitting that is."

"I'm a doctor," Kennedy states, "I'll make sure she doesn't die on me."

Patricia chuckles as she reaches into her purse and pulls out a piece of paper and writes her number, "Don't be a stranger."

"Thank you," Kennedy states, "Will you send me the picture that you took? I really want to remember this day and what you and Harold did for us."

"Of course, I will sweetheart," Patricia says.

She watches as Harold and Natasha hug as well before Patricia heads over and takes her husband's hand and the two of them walk out of the restaurant together.

"Your order," the employee says, getting Kennedy's attention. She smiles at them as she takes the bag, leaving a tip as she heads over to Natasha.

"You feel any different being married?"

"No," Natasha tells her, "Because we've technically been married for three years now, but now you can't testify against me in court."

"Please don't do anything where I'd have to testify against you," Kennedy states as they head out of the restaurant.

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