Matt's heart jolted, he felt recognized for the first time in a long time. What may have been a small gesture, maybe even a regular one, from an employee meant so much more to Matt. "Well, geez, I didn't realize I was so popular," he chuckled. "I'll have your biggest cookie please!"

"Of course you will dear," the woman replied as she hand-selected the biggest cookie from the recently removed baking sheet. She placed it on a napkin and handed it over to Matt, "here you go, dear," she added softly.

Matt gave her a five-dollar bill in return and told her to keep the change. He turned around and immediately raised the giant cookie to his mouth and took a small bite. The soft gooey inside of the cookie melted in his mouth, a sharp, sweet chocolatey taste gushed over his taste buds. He turned around while walking away and held up the cookie to the cafeteria ladies. "You guys did it again!" he exclaimed triumphantly. He moved back down the ramp where the trophy case he'd walked by unnoticed on his way in met him immediately. He stopped to examine it more closely for a second before hearing what sounded like the faint cacophony of cheering coming from beside the cafeteria. Matt knew right away that a game was afoot in the gym. He checked his watch; still five more minutes, couldn't hurt.

Matt slowly approached the very sizeable red set of doors, which marked entrance to the grand arena most refer to as a gymnasium, but Matt realized it as being something much more. He understood, like so few others before him did, that the gymnasium is a colosseum that houses some of the most significant battles ever to take place within the confines of school. A gym is a place where students who spend all day confined within the prison of their uniforms can let loose and unleash their inner warrior spirits. Matt decided to see what they had in store this early in the morning. He peered through the small rectangular window to sneak a peek at the bout taking place. It looked like...dodgeball. But not just any game of dodgeball, there were mats up all over the court. No, this was no ordinary game of dodgeball, for this was fortress dodgeball, and it looked like one side was about to claim victory. They'd knocked down two of the three mats on the opposing side, and only one player for that team remained. A tall blonde kid crouched behind the last mat, but it was teetering on the verge of crumbling downward. His last shelter barely stood, and the other team was still four members strong. But then something miraculously unexpected occurred right before Matt's very eyes. Right as the last mat came tumbling down, the blonde kid jumped out, a ball in each hand. First he took out the large boy, then the smaller girl. He then caught the third kid's ball leaving only a tiny Hispanic kid remaining. The two stared each other down, each possessing a single ball now. It was an old-style standoff, much akin to the western movies Matt had grown up watching. He spectated intently as the two stared each other down. The blonde kid was the first to strike, impatient, attempting to make a name for himself and complete the epic comeback that he had first set out to achieve. He threw the ball sidearm, as hard as he possibly could, his body recoiling with the power of his own throw. The Hispanic kid was ready though, he dropped his ball and waited methodically. The ball struck him in the chest, the Hispanic kid jumped to try and grab it before it hit the ground, but his efforts were ultimately in vain. And just like that, the blonde was victorious, his whole team cheering him on. What an epic contest indeed. Matt smiled to himself, clapping his hands together in subtle applause. Well played, very well played, he thought aloud.

Oh no, Matt looked down at his watch, realizing he only had one minute left. He rushed up the stairs and made his way over to room 347 to begin his very own journey of the day. He walked past an open concept classroom. They were discussing what they were referring to as a "learning adventure." From what he could gather while walking by, the ecstatic nerdy looking teacher with the big glasses was discussing the fascinating possibilities of space travel. Matt stopped to listen, now intrigued at where this class was going. The teacher continued discussing how creativity starts and is most potent in young minds, a genuine fact.

"What if, for the next four weeks, we changed up the way we taught? Your other teachers and I have decided to all work together to create this learning adventure that we dub: beyond earth," the teacher enthused upon the class. The class was a mop readily absorbing this concept, this new idea. "From now on, every class will have an apparent theme. Every subject will be devoted to the exploration of space. Your mission is to save a planet. The only way to do so is through using the learning and the techniques that you pick up across the various subjects to find out where this planet's location is. Once you locate the planet, it is up to you and your group to devise an appropriate plan of action."

As Matt surveyed the class with his gaze, he realized the classmates at the front were now just as enthusiastic as their kooky teacher. They seemed eager to sink their teeth into the adventure, much as Matt had that delicious cookie from earlier. Matt rubbed his stomach now remembering that he's still very much hungry. But the back row seemed disinterested and disconnected from the entire presentation that had just taken place.

Come on, guys, give it a chance. It might be a bit stupid, but sometimes you just gotta embrace that in order to get the most out of it, Matt thought to himself once more. And finally, he'd arrived at his destination. He stared in a state of content at the door now in front of him, a door he knew too well. The numbers '343' plastered crudely in the center of the teal door, paint starting to chip on the corners. Matt slowly raised his hand to the brass knob, clutched, took in a deep breath, and prepared himself for the day's quest, the trials, and tribulations that would no doubt be involved. He sharply twisted the knob and thrust the door open.

Matt looked down, grabbed his trusty mop and bucket, and began to mop the tile floor.

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