Chapter 17: Hannah To The Rescue

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Kevin Porter: Last time I saw him, they took him. Where? I don't know. But I've seen those thing taking people into the cafeteria. Me and some of the teachers tried fighting them off... but they were too strong. They've killed some of the teachers and students. I was thrown into a wall, which explains the bandage on my head. They've taken out the police.

Hannah Baker: Then it's up to me.

Kevin Porter: Hannah...

Hannah Baker: I know what I'm doing, Mr. Porter. I'm going to save them. I'm going to find The Doctor.

Kevin Porter: Not alone you're not.

Hannah & Porter both leave the school's office as they begin making their way towards the cafeteria. They both go outside as they approach the cafeteria through the side. The can see Cybermen rounding up students & teachers.

Kevin Porter: I count at least 7 of them.

Hannah takes out a EMP pallet from the Cyberman supply kit.

Kevin Porter: What's that?

Hannah Baker: It's a EMP pallet. I throw one of these and it supposed to shut them down. How good is your aim.

Kevin Porter: Very good.

Hannah hands over a pallet to Porter as he throws it towards the window. The Cyberman sees the pallet as it goes off sending a EMP around the cafeteria, shutting down the Cybermen.

Hannah Baker: Oh, shit it worked.

Hannah & Porter both enter the cafeteria to free the hostages.

Kevin Porter: Everyone, come with me. I'll lead you to safety.

Porter & Hannah lead the students & teachers out of the cafeteria. Once outside, they look up in the sky and see a spaceship.

Hannah Baker: That must be their ship. How am I going to get up there?

Kevin Porter: Why would you want to go up there?

Hannah Baker: That's where everyone else are being held.

Then Hannah looks at her time vortex manipulator.

If this thing can take me anyplace and anywhere in time...

Hannah takes out the sonic screwdriver that The Doctor gave her back in 2002 and starts using pointing it at the Cybermen ship and scans it. She then uses the sonic screwdriver on the time vortex manipulator to set the coordinates.

Hannah Baker: Mr. Porter, take them somewhere safe.

Kevin Porter: Where are you going?

Hannah Baker: I'm going up there. Wish me luck.

Kevin Porter: Hannah, wait...

Hannah presses the time vortex manipulator as she teleports herself into the Cybermen ship. Back on the Cybermen ship, Marcus Cole has just been turned into a Cyberman.

Cyberman (Marcus Cole): Marcus Cole is no more. Long live the Cyberman.

Cyberman: Long live the Cyberman.

Tony Padilla: I do not want to be turned into one of those things.

Cyberman: Bring the next one.

Marcus begins making his way towards the cage as he opens it up. Marcus begins making his way towards Jessica.

Justin Foley: NO!

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