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It was a brand new school year, you had been attending rehab as well as therapy. You wanted to make your mother proud, and take some pain off of here. It's been a year plus since your father passed, you where 18 and doing better. Okay, you lied. Yes you've been going to therapy and rehab but old habits don't die that fast. You had woken up at 5:09 about 2 hours before school to get ready for a "session". Your mother would be gone by this time for work, and Tai was old enough to get up and figure her own way to school.

 You grabbed a tiny backpack you used for special storage, your lighter and your phone. You slowly crept out your bedroom door, out into the living room and outside your home. Since your mom had to take care of you three, living conditions had changed but it wasn't too bad. Pulling out a blunt you rolled earlier, you began walking down towards this park where you know it would be empty. Flicking your lighter you dragged the flame along the blunt as it burned and began smoking. You took a hit, inhaling the smoke as you looked into the night sky. Nothing wrong with smoking a little weed. You resorted on mainly weed and where trying to stay clear of anything else. 

"Aren't you up early?" a voice called out. It was a boy, about your age. White-pinkish hair that was long. He was had scars along the side of his mouth as well as shining blue eyes.

"Yeah, what about it?" you looked him up and down. One thing's a fact, nobody comes between you and a blunt. 

"No need to get defensive...it's usually nobody here this time of night." he said sitting on a swing beside you.

He eyed the blunt you where smoking before reaching into his left pocket. He pulled out something wrapped into white paper.  You raised your eyebrow slightly as he lit the joint as it began burning quite fast.

"Hit this, raw paper no blunt. Mixed with something exotic." he held it up to your mouth.

You slowly moved in closer allowing the object to touch your lips as you inhaled. Just as you did, you began coughing wildly slowly patting your chest. 

"It's good shit, baby steps." he laughed as you caught your breath.

"What's your name?" you asked wiping your mouth with your jacket sleeve.

"Sanzu. You?" he said blowing out smoke.

"_____." you answered relighting the blunt you had earlier.

Your phone began buzzing as you pulled it out of your pocket.

"Shit! I gotta go before I miss the buss." you stood up, ashing the blunt as well placing it into the tiny bag from earlier. 

"Maybe we'll meet again?" Sanzu said still slowly swinging on the swing.

"Maybe." you zipped you bag up.

"_____?" he stood up as you had began walking away. You had turned around as you saw him gripping something in the palm of his hand. He began walking toward you holding his hand out. You extended your own, opening your palm as you felt two tiny objects being placed in your hand. Pulling your hand back you, you opened your palm to see a round blue pill and a round purple pill. 

"I can't take these." you said as you tried to give them back to Sanzu. 

"I can tell you need to relax. I know all about you ____. I know more than you know." he stepped closer to your creating less than a inch of space between your two.

You knew it was wrong, no you know it was wrong. Yet you couldn't resist? It was intoxicating. 

"Open up" he took the pills from your hand and placed them both on your tongue. You closed your mouth as his finger began to trace down your throat, stopping at the middle. 

"Swallow" he said as you forced the two dry pills down your throat. 

"Good girl. Now where's your phone." he said as he felt around for your phone. You felt the phone being slid out of your pocket as she turned it to face you, to unlock it. He began typing his number into you phone as you heard a slight ding

"I hope to be seeing more of you later. You better hurry, and not miss the buss." he smirked passing you back the phone. 

"SHIT!" It was 6:53, the bus comes around 6:55-7:00 and now you know for a fact Tai was up. She was def gonna question where you had been. You began running eagerly to you home most for sure making a new record. 

Panting and just about wiped down in sweat you have just made it at 6:59. Your hand was on the door as the door suddenly swang open. 

"Where the hell have you been." Tai asked.

"I was just going for a morning jog." you panted out.

"Please, you're the last person to run from fun." she crossed her arms.

"What the fuck where you doing." she huffed pulling out her phone.

"I was-" just as you  began talking the buss began to pull up to your house.

"Welp, we gotta go." you shrugged making way to the buss.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2022 ⏰

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