All Summer Long

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The first day of summer found the Summers twins packing up any necessities in preparation for Buffy's stay with their father, Hank, in his home back in L

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The first day of summer found the Summers twins packing up any necessities in preparation for Buffy's stay with their father, Hank, in his home back in L.A.

Yilfa had opted out of joining her sister even though she would've enjoyed visiting her friends again there was no way she was returning to that city any time soon - certainly not to spend time with the man who she viewed as having walked out on his family because he didn't want to deal with what had been going on after Buffy's calling.

The twins had a slight argument about how if one was staying behind then the other would as well but much like how Buffy knew Yilfa couldn't stay in L.A. Yilfa knew that Buffy needed time away from Sunnydale after what had happened with the Master and her subsequent resurrection.

Besides, Yilfa still had a lot of prep work to do before the arrival of her twins and not a lot of time to do it so she really was better off staying behind. Although she demanded that Buffy bring her back some new outfits from their favorite strip mall while she was there to which Buffy happily agreed.

The next day when Hank's car pulled up the Summers' driveway Yilfa bid farewell to her twin and gave a short nod to Hank before promptly heading back inside before he could try and start any awkward conversations with his eldest.

Buffy noticed the subtle wilt to Hank's shoulders after Yilfa failed to acknowledge him beyond a stiff nod and while she felt bad for her father she understood that Yilfa had no desire to interact with him and likely left to avoid further dampening the already overcast mood for the rest of the family.

After the father-daughter duo had left for the busy streets of L.A. Joyce found her eldest staring at an old framed photo of the four of them at a sunny park back when the girls were eight - they all had big, genuine grins on their faces and they looked like any normal, happy family. Joyce saw the many complex emotions swirling around in her daughter's eyes and felt her heart sink.

Yilfa and Hank's relationship was complex and nothing like how Hank and Buffy's was. There had always been an underlying note of tension and a faint chill to their relationship that only became more prominent as Yilfa grew up - they were polite and did care for each other but if a total stranger were to look at them on the streets they'd likely think that they were acquaintances with some sort of unpleasant history between them rather than a parent and their child.

Joyce and Hank's devorce only served to further cement the distance between the two and Yilfa never bothered making any attempts to spend time with Hank unless Joyce and/or Buffy was there with her. In fact the only real communication between them was exchanging holiday or birthday cards.

Yilfa looked at the photo for a few moments more before setting it back down and heading upstairs to her room without another word.

Joyce sighed. They were both in for a long summer.

 They were both in for a long summer

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