Chapter 2

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"Hey baby!"
"Hey Mama!" Sean said happily and gave his mom a secure hug. He towered over her, but he knew how to be a gentle giant. "Where's dad at?"
"He should be in the garage working on that darn car. He spends way too much of his time out there." Sean's mom, Taniya, was 61 and his dad, Robert, was 63. Sean headed out of the kitchen, snagging a piece of fried chicken on the way.
"Keep ya hands out my chicken boy!" his mom said while waving a spatula. Sean would do anything to ensure his mothers happiness and security.
"Wassup old man!" Sean said as he grabbed his dad.
"Sean! Where you been?"
"Just working is all."
"You find you a good girl yet?"
"Dad you know these girls ain't worth much around here."
"Yeah you got a point."
"Dinners ready you two!" Sean's mother yelled from the kitchen. Sean and Robert washed up and say down to eat. They said grave as a family and proceeded to eat.
"So baby, how you been recently?"
"I've been good mama. Pass me the mashed potatos dad?"
"Here you go son."
"Thanks dad."
His mother started another conversation.
"No mama I haven't met a girl I like yet. I told dad the same thing."
"But baby how haven't you found one yet? You're young, in shape, successful... what else? You're intellectual and -
Robert cut in
"Maybe he needs to step his D game up."
Sean dropped his fork and his mouth fell wide open. Taniya almost chocked on the chicken she was eating as Robert made his statement.
"Robert why would you say that?!"
"Honey you know it's probably true."
"But Robert really? Handle that by yourself."
"Let me tell you something Sean. Ha probably just like us daddy. Gifted."
Please don't do it Sean pleaded in his head.
"When you pull that thang out, they all know wassup."
Sean spit the soda he was drinking across the room, and his mother almost fell out the very chair she was sitting in.
"Come on baby you know I put it down in the be-"
"I'm taking this plate to go. I love yall but yall are toooooo wild. Bye, love you both!" Sean quickly spit out and closed the door behind him.
"Oh. My. God. my parents are outta they mind."

Sean was 23, ran his own shoe store, and was literally a walking woman magnet. They were all too dull for him and he hadn't met one that could match his intellect. He never stressed it though because he knew that just one day he would find that perfect one. Hopefully.

Okay, so I hadn't intended to actually publish the book and it's nowhere near completed, so I'm sorry if anybody is expecting more. I'll make sure to keep adding to it and publish everything. This is t first book, so I apologize if anything doesn't seem right.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2015 ⏰

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